Ellebogen Isolators

Aug 7, 2021
O'day 28 Casco Bay
My 1985 O'day 28 was re-powered with a Yanmar 3GM30F. The engine has a DOM of 1994, so I'm thinking is was done in '94 or 95. It appears that the mounts are original so I have decided to replace them. OEM mounts are crazy expensive. Does anyone have any experience with Ellebogen mounts from Spain? Website is very good and I was able to download drawings of the replacement isolators I need. They are dimensionally identical to the OEM ones and have a good warranty.
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Jun 8, 2004
C&C Frigate 36 St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Any reason you think they need replacement other than age which is just a number.
Well, if you have ever had an engine mount fail in rough seas, as I have, planned maintenance would seem prudent. I don't know which type of Yanmar mounts the OP has but, on the 'inerted V' ones, the bond of the rubber blocks to the steel eventually fails.
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Aug 7, 2021
O'day 28 Casco Bay
"Age is just a number" is a faulty premise and in my experience in both the commercial and recreational marine world has lead to more than one catastrophic failure. Jim Legere makes an excellent point and mine are indeed the inverted "V" type.

Diesel manufacturers usually publish a replacement schedule for isolators and some in the recreational space are what I would consider excessive. I've seen some Yanmar manuals that recommend every 4 years or 1000 hours.

In my case, I'm doing it as a preventative measure in combination with some other work around the stern tube.
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
If you ever have a failure on the engine involving cracking, Yanmar may be dis-inclined to honor any claim if you are not using their mounts. Maine Sail has info on this with his Westerbeke engine.
Aug 7, 2021
O'day 28 Casco Bay
If you ever have a failure on the engine involving cracking, Yanmar may be dis-inclined to honor any claim if you are not using their mounts. Maine Sail has info on this with his Westerbeke engine.
LOL! Yanmar isn't going to entertain any warranty claims related to a 30 year old engine in a 39 year old boat!
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
"Age is just a number" is a faulty premise
When combined with a lack of annual inspection, yes, a recipe for disaster.

Back in 2009 (the engine was 10 YO) , I had a fuel leak above the rear starboard engine mount. The rubber was well wetted with diesel fuel for I don't know how long. I was aware the of the damage this could cause so I replaced it and a) almost broke the bank,


b) almost broke my butt.

Never again would I go through that. I annually inspect the mounts for contamination every year when I go over the engine. My other big check is the alignment every few years when I check for deteriorating alignment, particularly vertical alignment and no indication of anyone dropping yet. Combine all that with no vibration in the cockpit, and I'm not changing my mounts at 25 YO unless something ugly rears its head down there.

There is also some magic number (which I cannot locate again) of something like 1/4" to 3/8" drop in the supports before considering a changeout.

Other than that, sorry but no experience with Ellebogen mounts other than their price is certainly attractive compared to the original Yanmars.
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
It appears that the mounts are original so I have decided to replace them. OEM mounts are crazy expensive. Does anyone have any experience with Ellebogen mounts from Spain?
I am presently attempting to change the mounts on my 2006 Yanmar 3YM30 diesel. Engine exhibits excessive vibration at IDLE with transmission in NEUTRAL. Vibration decreases at operational RPM's. Decided to replace mounts because they are now 18 years old & show signs of deterioration (black rubber dust at bases), rust, & excessive engine vibration. Yes, I did check shaft alignment. Four new Yanmar mounts are over $1000! ( Yanmar has become ridiculous with parts prices. Just paid $50 for a raw water pump seal (excluding shipping). So, I decided to investigate alternative mounts; Ellebogen has great reviews with a cost of approximately $500 (4 mounts including shipping) for Yanmar spec mounts. Dimensions, rubber hardness (100/75), & studs are same as Yanmar. Ellebogen's are manufactured in Spain; 10-14 day shipping & customer service was great. Upon receiving & inspecting, the quality is superb.
The installation problem that I am having is accessing the backing nuts for the thru bolts that attach the base of the mounts to the raised FRP mounting stringers in the engine compartment. There is a 5"-6" round hole in the inboard side of the FRP stringers to provide access to the backing nuts. I can't get a straight open end wrench or ratchet to engage the nut, and of course, this has to be done by feel without benefit to direct visualization. Limited use of my left hand further hinders the process. I ordered a set of "S" shaped wrenches last night that will hopefully solve the access problem. BTW, there are several excellent videos on You Tube that show the procedure. All mention the difficulty in working within the confines of small engine compartments. Will post results when I complete this project!
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Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
I am familiar with the mounts and have spoken to the owner several times. Know many satisfied customers. Great product, great price and unbelievable service. I have not purchased yet, however in the next 2 years will replace with his mounts. Reach out to him and he will tell you how to check if you need new mounts……

s/v Souleil
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
I remember running across an article that gave a minimum measurement for the clearance between the top and bottom steel parts, measured at the edges next to the bolts. Problem is I don't remember what that measurement was. :yikes:.. I would guess that the number is around 3/16" since that is about how much the engine moves at idle.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
I would guess that the number is around 3/16" since that is about how much the engine moves at idle.
Yes, I remember that the it's the vertical clearance you want to keep an eye on :

Unfortunately, I didn't learn about this little edict until the engine was well along in years. And similar to you, I cannot find that minimum allowable clearance, or maximum allowable amount of drop anywhere. I still have a healthy clearance and no vibration of the boat anywhere at low RPM in neutral so I'm not interested in renewing even with 25 YO supports.
Aug 7, 2021
O'day 28 Casco Bay
Thanks for all the great input. Had a great telcon w/ Aitor Ellebogen and will be going forward with the purchase. @Ralph Johnstone, I have measured the distance you referenced, and it is definitively below minimums.

Again, my thanks for all the valuable input.
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Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
Thanks for all the great input. Had a great telcon w/ Aitor Ellebogen and will be going forward with the purchase. @Ralph Johnstone, I have measured the distance you referenced, and it is definitively below minimums.

Again, my thanks for all the valuable input.
He’s a great guy.
Good luck!