
Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
Just to be clear, you're saying that a soloist, playing alone in the wilderness, cannot bring life to music? If so, I disagree. Organism versus vehicle? Ok, I'd claim poetic license. He is after all a musician! Assume music is not an organism. What characteristics do they share, which don't they share. Why is a song not an organism for you?
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
I already explained that a song is more of a vehicle, not an organism. If a song so affects a person, one will use that song to transport oneself back to that time. An organism cannot do that. And I stated "Not even a musician can bring life into music if there is no listener, save the musician."

This goes back to the old saying "if a tree falls..." Yes there is sound if there is someone there to hear it. Otherwise it is just a movement of air.
Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
Let me put it this way, is the musician not a listener? Vehicle works, but you really haven't said anything about the comment intended by the author of the quote.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Well, when I play, I don't listen as a listener would listen. I am not listening to enjoy, I am listening to ensure that I am playing the song correctly. But then, what if the performer was deaf? Now they are listening with their senses, yes?

Replace the word "organism" with "vehicle" and that would be more appropriate.
Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
Organism conveys meaning to me. I suppose it either doesn't convey meaning to you, or you disagree with the message. A vehicle as a mode of transport works. But a vehicle is a dead thing, inanimate, inorganic. Maybe people who really, really love thier cars or bikes (or boats) would disagree with me. No matter.

Beethoven composed with fairly advanced deafness. I wonder if he was comfortable performing that long. Do you suppose he enjoyed performing his own music? I suppose you could ask that whether he could hear or not. Certainly a good musician can play either way. I have certainly been transported while playing by myself for myself. I've also been in a situation where listening for correctness actually trips me up.