Dog question


Sep 25, 2008
Lancer 28 T Great Lakes
It broke my heart and I...

...Still cry sometimes (like now) but when the pain started to get to the point where
He had more bad times then good I had him put down. I'm hurting but He isn't, it was the best for him. Talk to your vet about you holding him or petting him and it will be easier for him too (the dog) Wow, it's one of those times I'm glad I work alone. (there is never a crying icon when you really need one.) I can't tell you how really sorry I am best of luck.
s/v GAIA


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
I think we all have pet stories of one sort or another.

When I was 12 my Dad bought me a Beagle pup, I was getting into hunting and he thought this would be a good lesson in responsibility for me. Anyway, my Mom asked me to clean the sports paraphernalia off the porch. So I grabbed two basketballs in my arms and headed outside to put them in the garage near the backboard. I was walking down the steps, basketballs in my arms, not looking and I stepped on the little puppies head who was lying at the bottom of the stairs. I dropped the balls and screamed . My Dad came running and my Mom brought me a towel. I picked the puppy up in my arms and got into the front seat of Dads car and we drove like crazy to the vets office. No luck. The puppy died in my arms. I cried for years over the loss of my first pet that I had for about two months. It still hurts today and I think about it every time I see a dog lying on or near a set of stairs. or a kid carrying basketballs.

Being animal lovers (I got the license plates to prove it), My wife and I had two dogs and two cats. One cat went missing, gone for four days. It was a Russian Blue. Far and few between. Anyway, I discovered a cat lying next to the curb of the street near the park, two blocks away. I tell the wife. We go down and make a positive ID. I go back and pick up our three yr old Phoenix (ash color) and bring her home. Bury her in the backyard complete with marker. Three nights later we are coming home late after a nite of partying. The wife goes and lets herself in and I do the guy thing on a tree. I go up the steps and open the door and enter. In scurries a shadow about the size of a cat. I for a moment thought it was Phoenix, but I knew better. I asked my wife if she saw, what I think I saw. She said yes, but wasn't really sure. We looked at each other quietly for a second and heard a crunch ,crunch coming from the hallway where the cat food is kept in a bowl on the floor. We look around the corner and there was Phoenix eating. We picked her up and laughed in amazement and jumped for joy. I looked for dirt that should of been in her eyes, because thats the last thing I remember seeing as I shoveled dirt on her stiff body. She slept with us that night. The next morning I just had to go out to where we had buried her . I expected to see a hole and the dirt piled to one side. Nope, It was just as I had left it.
We babied Phoenix for three days and nights. Wondering, who's cat did we bury in our back yard? We were over joyed to have our Phoenix back home. I figured we had named her appropriately, Phoenix, rising from the ashes and all. Only this time it was rising from the dirt. Anyway we had let Phoenix out for the first time in three days . She wandered over to the driveway in front of the garage near the hedges and looked back over her shoulder towards the wife and me, as if to say , thanks for all you've done. walked around the garage, under the hedges. And we never saw her again. True story.

I feel your pain

Keep it up,


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
Tasha is doing great

It took her 5 days to get back on her feet after the first como treatment. She can now walk about 4 blocks on three legs. Her ears are starting to show she is happy again.

Only 4 or 5 more como treatments to go. I wish we would find a cure soon. The suffering from people and pets hard to take.

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
Good news

It sounds like you made it through the hardest part. Obviously you made the right decision.


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
Re: Good news

I hope so Bob. She old and has good days and bad days.
Oct 26, 2008
Catalina 320 Barnegat, NJ
When we decided to get a dog, we thought about rescuing a dog from being put down. Internet sites are loaded with dogs that are in foster homes as a temporary respite from being killed. We found Shelby simply by responding after searching for dogs that matched a description of what we would like to have. She is a Gordon setter / border collie mix.

I've never known a dog with such a happy personality or a more gentle and playful demeanor with small kids. And she can run like the wind! It's a good thing we have a large fenced in yard so she can sprint from one end to the other when she sees deer on the other side! Just last week we had some excitement when a black bear showed up near the fence, so we had to scramble to get her inside.

There are thousands of great dogs that need homes and I would encourage anyone to take a chance on an unfortunate animal that needs to be rescued.

Shelby lives each day like it's the happiest day of her life. We could all learn a lesson from that!



Sep 13, 1996
Rhodes 22 Northern Neck of Virginia
I've been following this thread hoping to hear that Tasha is on the mend. Good to hear that this is the case.

My yellow lab was a 'dumpster dog." There was construction on campus where my youngest was enrolled and one day she heard crying from a construction dumpster.

She thought it was a baby so sent her BF into the dumpster to rescue it.

Turns out that it was a baby now goofy gal Timi.....since I ended up with the dog a year later after my husband passed away, even tho' she is an inconvenience at times, I am heartily grateful that it was a dog and not a baby....;^0


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
Tasha's Picture

This was taken shortly after the surgery. The little Hot Dog is her friend Augie Dogy.

Last edited:
Jun 15, 2004
- - Edmond, OK
Some additional info on cancer in dogs

You might be interested in these links:


The second link takes you to a page that is linked to a video tribute to the dog in whose memory the above program was founded. Hang in there through the video - it is a big download, and will have you bawling like a baby about half-way through. Then it puts a smile on your face.


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Re: Some additional info on cancer in dogs

I wonder if dogs know how much we love them?
My wife Audrey wanted a dog, for years she kept asking for a dog. I told her I had had dogs before and I know how much they can change ones life. I didn't want the shedding and dog crap in the yard, I just stay firm. She kept it up, Finally,one day, she must of talked to someone, she came up to me and asked for a dog, I said no ,again. Then Audrey says, I ether get a dog or a baby. I asked her what kind of dog she wanted.

She researched dogs and found a small breed that doesn't shed. We got a Maltese. Brought him home and within 6 months we found a rescued Maltese and brought her home. Now we have two. Let me tell you I can't believe how much joy and love they bring to the family, it's unbelievable. I talk to them and they understand. What a joy to have in my life. I think they know it too. They love back, unconditionally.

I also found out something I didn't know about food. Garbage food (fillers) one finds in the big box stores is crap. Feed you dog say,10 lbs a week and you'll pick up 8lbs a week in crap. Feed them good quality food say 10lbs and you pick up 2 lbs of crap. Big difference. They digest and use 80% of the good food verses 20% of the garbage food.

Glad to here your Tasha is doing well. It'll take time.
Sometimes I think we feel the pain more than they do.
Keep it up,


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
Update on my dog Tasha Nov 28

The cancer moved into her lung much after then we expected. She has very little lung tissue left. We are taking her today to meet our other dogs that have passed away.

I wanted to thank everyone that wished her well. She loved haning out at the marina. She was a good sailor too!


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Re: I am very sorry to hear it

Hang in there buddy. My thoughts are with you.
Dec 4, 2006
Hunter 34 Havre de Grace
Always difficult

So sorry to hear this Jim. It's never easy. And never will become easy.
You've done so much for her. Some extra time to say goodbye.

Every time we've been through one of these situations I've wished that I could converse with them in my language. If nothing but to tell them how much they're loved. But in their language these little creatures always manage to tell us that they already know.


Jun 3, 2006
Catalina 36mkII Alameda CA
One of our dogs broke both forelegs as a puppy. Treatment was going to be very expensive, and I think the vet expected us to say to euthanize her. We had the money in the bank at the time and we both decided without hesitation to spend it on her. I never had second thoughts. I know that if I'd had her euthanized, I'd be feeling guilty to this day.
I think it's all a matter of how you feel about it. In a year from now, would you feel good or bad about whatever decision you make?
Jun 15, 2004
- - Edmond, OK
Well, I guess we'll see if I have better luck. Jake (my Golden Retriever) was diagnosed with cancer today - a mass just behind his jaw. Delicate area to do surgery - lots of important structures there. He's heading to Texas A&M tomorrow for debulking and radiation therapy. Keeping my fingers crossed.