Diesel injector testing

Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Incredible. How do you pull these gems out of the internet ?

But you're wasting my whole day away. Survival up her in the frozen (well sodden, anyway) North is a good deal more challenging that sitting on a lounge chair and sipping pina coladas in SW Florida. I'm off to see if I can find anything to eat in the traps I've set.
I am in Indiana (since Thanksgiving) and headed to Boulder, CO on Sunday to spend Christmas at my sons. Weather here has been cold (highs in the teens F), then rainy, now just gray and cool (33F at the moment). But I was able to check on Tally Ho a few times while I am here. No work being done this layup though.

But headed to Nashville on the 29th when we get back from Boulder, and should be home in Florida on New Years Eve day…where I can enjoy the warmth and sunshine, beaches, dolphins, manatees, and such. :cool:
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
It is true, one can spray diesel fuel at a cardboard target and get an image. One can pull an injector and removing the injector while still attached to the high pressure system, squirt diesel fuel to confirm that fuel is moving through the system, filling the air within the engine compartment with cologne of diesel in the morning.

There is a significant difference from confirming a spray and a test of measured fuel atomization based on the engine specifications.

While cruising, trying to get to the nearest harbor on an engine which is acting up, it is very different set of circumstances than preparing an engine while in port for a long passage or a season of sailing.

We try (or should try) to operate our boats with optimization of fuel systems, minimization of fuel waste and recognition of exhaust contamination when excess fuel is discharged. If these criteria are to be achieved then professional testing of the injector spray volume and pattern is a reasonable expense to incur. In my opinion.:biggrin:
Found it…
Not condoning it or saying it is adequate, but this guy, in a foreign county, with his engine ripped out of his boat did a full rebuild of his little Yanmar…no shop tools, etc. I was impressed with what he got done.

  • Wow
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Nice Find. Informative.

Interesting hair styling. Was that a bent nail through the eyebrow?
When it is done, he will have a bit of a Diesel aroma in the salon.

He is careful, and it sounds promising that he will resolve his challenge.