"deck light" switch on 12V panel...........

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Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 34 Buffalo, NY
My 1984 H34 has a 12 volt switch labelled "deck light" on the panel that doesn't seem to activate anything. Anybody know what it is supposed to do? Maybe it's early onset Alzheimer's, or maybe too much beer, but I am confused. *yks
May 6, 2004
Hunter 37C Seattle
Check the bottom of your steaming light

housing. this is where a "hidden" deck light might be found. Top of the unit has the steaming light and bottom has the deck light. Scott


Jun 1, 2004
- - Geneva, Switzerland
Connected to Steaming Light... confirmed

I can confirm that the steaming light has an additional deck light built in (1995 Hunter 336).
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 34 Buffalo, NY
Only one bulb at steaming light.......

....I replaced the bulb last year. Two conductors, one clear round lens. I guess I'll pull the panel and see where that leads me. (I need to replace a few indicator lamps anyway).
Jun 9, 2004
- - West River, MD
Spotlights On The Spreaders

Marcus, My 1983 H34 has the same switch. When switched on it works the two spotlights (decklights)that are attatched below each side of the first (lower) spreaders. I've been in a storm at night and had to go up on deck and they were extremely usefull illuminating the entire area. If you don't have them and do any night sailing you may want to consider the purchase. Joe Mullee
Jun 3, 2004
- - USA
h34 Deck Light

You are not alone. Mine had the breaker with nothing attached to it. There were no lights on the spreaders and no extra wires in the mast until I installed them myself. I also had a breaker labled emergency beacon which was not wired. When it left the factory there were only four wires in the mast plus the radio coax
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