Dangers of Breath-Hold Diving

Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
How you breath up or not has little effect on SWB. Just like narcosis or deep air, the phrase I like to use is " On any given Sunday ". What it means is that no matter how manly we think we are, there are factors at play that we do not control. What we did yesterday and got away with may not be replicated with the same outcome today. Sort of like flying a cat solo on the ragged edge, tomorrow you may or may not pitch.
Yeah-- as we all well know, if you roll the dice often enough you will eventually crap out.
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
If you are a certified diver, there's no reason not to take SCUBA gear with you when you sail. You never [know] when you might need it.
I agree, and I have had SCUBA equipment aboard, including mask, fins, snorkel, wet suit, weight belt, tank, and regulator, for many years. However, the regulator is on a long hose so I do not have to "mount-up" to merely dive under the boat or near it in water < 25 ft of depth. The tank can stay in its "secure location" in a cockpit locker. A full back-pack with octopus regulator is a cumbersome piece of gear to stow on a sailboat if not used much. Nevertheless, that is what one would likely need to free an anchor in deep water. Alternatively, as I mentioned in a prior post, one could lengthen a regulator hose to, say, 50-75 ft and dive on the anchor after bringing the boat up short. But then there is the issue of diving alone which is strictly verboten in the annals of safe diving on SCUBA. Doing so has led to more than a few deaths, a "recent" one of a few years ago being a friend of mine. But under the California "dive-buddy system" known as "same ocean--same day" diving when essentially alone, i.e., out of sight of a buddy in murky water, is common.:confused:
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Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
ye might wanna translate this to spanish and tell the mexicans who manage to do this while freeing oysters and anchors and other stuff off bottom of sea floors.
funny they all seem alive n well, despite being old ...mebbe white boys cannot freedive... mebbe is genetic.....mebbe is common sense.
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Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
ye might wanna translate this to spanish and tell the mexicans who manage to do this while freeing oysters and anchors and other stuff off bottom of sea floors.
funny they all seem alive n well, despite being old ...mebbe white boys cannot freedive... mebbe is genetic.....mebbe is common sense.
As you wish.
La principal causa de ahogamiento mientras que el buceo en apnea entre "encajar", incluso bastante atléticos, los individuos es de pasar a cabo bajo agua-- es decir, apagón hipóxica. En esencia, en algún momento durante la actividad, no hay suficiente oxígeno que llega al cerebro. Yo esperaría que esto se aceleró en alguien haciendo el "trabajo" (como en el intento de liberar o mover un ancla) en una inmersión en apnea, apagón hipóxico puede venir sin previo aviso, incluso a poca profundidad, y puede ocurrir en el ascenso de una inmersión relativamente profunda. En las personas, el impulso de tomar aire es impulsado por la acumulación de dióxido de carbono en la sangre, en lugar de por el agotamiento de oxígeno allí. Por lo tanto, es posible que la sangre se vuelva peligrosamente bajo en oxígeno (hipoxia) antes de que el impulso de respirar se vuelve crítica si hay hiperventilación, que deshace la sangre de dióxido de carbono, antes de la inmersión.
Jan 27, 2008
ODay 35 Beaufort, NC
How can you explain the fact that free divers can hold their breath for 5 minutes or more and dive to depths over 400 feet? Granted some of them have died in the process. SWBO seems to be a pretty uncommon event given all the people doing shallow water breath holds all over the world spearfishing and so forth. Must be more involved such as level of exertion, physical condition, etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-holding-breath-underwater-22-22-minutes.html
Oct 26, 2008
Catalina 320 Barnegat, NJ
Let's just hope our government never catches on to this danger. Congress will eventually introduce a bill to outlaw swimming.
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Feb 6, 2013
Hunter 31 Deale, MD

King, I'm putting together the same rig for my boat. A tank hung just below the waterline with a six foot hose to the second stage and a six inch hose to the preesure gauge. With that I can clean the bottom and replace the zinc without holding my breath.
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
How can you explain the fact that free divers can hold their breath for 5 minutes or more and dive to depths over 400 feet? Granted some of them have died in the process. SWBO seems to be a pretty uncommon event given all the people doing shallow water breath holds all over the world spearfishing and so forth. Must be more involved such as level of exertion, physical condition, etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-holding-breath-underwater-22-22-minutes.html
Here's likely my best explanation (hypothetical graph below).

Breath-hold distribution.jpg
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Sep 6, 2015
Unknown snipe delaware bay
Any diving that involves record breaking just increases your frequency for a accident in statistical analysis. By far and away the number of free divers that have perished are the ones riding the sled.
Jan 27, 2008
ODay 35 Beaufort, NC
I love the comment "...it made sense for him to do this..." I find it extremely non-sensical to engage in this "sport." http://nbclatino.com/2013/09/25/aft...free-diver-pipin-ferreras-announces-comeback/
I read the following book a while back and found it very troubling. It is like an addiction for people that do this.
The author failed to make sure his wife's safety tank was filled before the dive. Everyone was pointing fingers at each other over who was responsible, in the end she died as a result of their (husband and crew) carelessness.