Cushioning dinghy gunnels

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Does anybody have any ideas on how to cushing the gunnels of a hard dinghy so it doesn't bash into the boat?

Mark Weaver

Use swim noodles

Use the swim noodles with a hole down the center. Thread a rope through and tie them bow to stern. In the picture you can see them on our dink.

Terry Arnold

rope rubrail

Photo shows 5/8"? three strand nylon set in groove all around gunwale and bow and stern and fixed in place with 5200 caulk. rope is spliced at bow. Works very well and looks nautical.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
They sell the material at marine stores.

West Marine sells Gunnel Guard for about $5/ft. This is probably why Terry made his own. This would run about $100 for an 8ft. dink!
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