Current State of Things

Jun 29, 2010
Beneteau First 235 Lake Minnetonka, MN
Cold, frozen, and getting colder. That time of year here which, makes one long for warm summer days on the lake.



At least the guys ice fishing are happy......
May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
We are having one of the driest January’s on record here. Moss is going nuts, with the warm weather. Might even get some faring compound on a hole I patched up earlier.



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
At least the guys ice fishing are happy......
I think they are going to have more fun times.
From a report by my weather guru... Rufus
The Polar Express air mass will make the news to our east, as this round could be one of the coldest in quite sometime. For the eastern 1/2 of the nation, temps may drop 15-20+ degrees colder than that experienced the past several days. The panhandle of FL may also get frost issues by Tue night.

The PNW will continue dry for 2 days or 4 days next week. Some solutions bring a weak system into WA Wed, but that is less likely than one that could break the dry spell by Fri Feb 1. Again, that, too, is a maybe, as the wx models have drifted all over on the turn back to damp later next week. It must be shared that we still see (as repeated outlier solutions) an Arctic Event that may strike the PNW during the first few days of Feb, or by the 8th.

Moisture arriving on Friday, if it does, could be followed by cooler conditions, or even - as some solutions have presented - VERY COLD conditions with a strong Fraser Gap Outflow and valley snow. Too early to make sure on this, so stay tuned. There are some charts indicating mild and damp for Feb 2-5. Either way, the next threat for cold wx here in the PNW (yeah, valley snowfall too) is in the Feb 7-9 period. Lots of atmospherics have to happen, as we all know, to get low level snowfall.. For now, we’ll simply point out the possibilities and wait for the outcome.​
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Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Last Monday was intolerable. The wind and cold just penetrated our building. It was 57 degrees inside with the heat struggling to keep up. You could feel cold air moving through the building. Someone once asked Jimmy Buffett what direction his music was moving. He replied, "South." Me too.
Oct 29, 2016
Hunter 41 DS Port Huron
Here in Michigan it is said there are only (2) months a year, winter and construction (or barrel planting season). We just received the astute honor of worst roads in the USA..... woopee
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Feb 6, 1998
Canadian Sailcraft 36T Casco Bay, ME
I just got back from an early morning snowshoe to the smell of bacon in a cast iron skillet. I will chomp down some breakfast and head out the door to catch the first chair in about two minutes. It is 4F so the trails will be FAST!

This afternoon, when my daughter is done her race program, we will hop on the snowmobiles and ride up towards Errol, NH.. The trails are really, really good right now both ski and snowmobile... When we get back to camp we’ll get the outdoor fire going and the kids can make S’mores while the adults enjoy cocktails.... Repeat again tomorrow....

Water is water and we have just as much fun when it is frozen. (Grin)
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
ride up towards Errol, NH..
What a beautiful area. I worked a Summer job at the campground in Errol after my senior year in high school.

Just to show how dumb I was back then, it paid $20/wk with all the whitewater I could paddle between jobs and a cabin tent too sleep in at night. I had to pull out of the grocery sharing plan because those who went shopping bought junk instead of real food and my $20 share didn't cover enough. I occasionally splurged at the all-you-can-eat salad bar for $5. But even that wasn't cheap enough. The gas to get home was almost twice my weekly pay in the Suburban I was driving.
They never said anything, but my parents must have been feeling pretty rotten about what they had done to the World's gene pool.

It was fun though.

-Will (Dragonfly)
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Bob S

Sep 27, 2007
Beneteau 393 New Bedford, MA
Fun day on the slopes last weekend . Then came the rain which made it a bit firm this weekend !
Jun 29, 2010
Beneteau First 235 Lake Minnetonka, MN
Winter Carnival in St Paul started this week. We are heading out to a lil winter our door event today, will be 10. Might go to some carnival stuff Sunday, snow & ice sculptures. We do make the best of it. This happens a couple of times every winter but, I think some block it out of their memories.

Some clarifications, its Minne-sowta and we have 2 seasons, winter and road construction. Sans durations. If you can't handle 32F, ya might need to harden up a bit. ;)
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Tom J

Sep 30, 2008
Catalina 310 Quincy, MA
Some clarifications, its Minne-sowta and we have 2 seasons, winter and road construction.
Minnesotta, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minnehaha. What does "Minne" mean? Is it a Native American term?