Cored or not

Sep 7, 2011
Hunter H23 Southwind YC, Milford, Kansas
I'm getting ready to install some deck fittings on the cabin roof of my 1985 Hunter 23 and am in the process of acquiring what I need to get the job done. Does anyone know if the cabin top is cored or not? In addition, does anyone know the thickness of the cabin top so that the proper length bolts can be obtained??
Thanks for any ideas...................................
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
First advise if you can push in on the ceiling liner. Does it push in on places. Can you thump to see if can hear voids and do on. That is the first as the ceiling liner generally is held in place with marine putty.

The next question what are you adding?

Where are you adding onto the top deck.
Then advise before going further

Forget us helping with the length of the hardware as you will have to figure out after drilling.
Sep 7, 2011
Hunter H23 Southwind YC, Milford, Kansas
Thanks Dave

Unfortunately the boat is 150 miles away, so can't do any of the things you ask. That is why I asked the question...thinking that probably someone has already drilled holes in cabin top. Installing turning blocks for lines led aft. Just wanted to by the hardware in advance. I think I will just have to wait until the time when I am actually ready to do the installation.

thanks again for the response

Ward H

Nov 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Mk II Barnegat, NJ
When in doubt and I cannot drill, measure then buy, I buy long lengths and cut to length with a Dremel cutting wheel. Then I’m not limited to a bolt just a bit too long or a bit too short.

On my O’day, the thickness of the deck varied from centerline to the sides which adds to the issue of buying just the right length.
Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
When in doubt and I cannot drill, measure then buy, I buy long lengths and cut to length with a Dremel cutting wheel. Then I’m not limited to a bolt just a bit too long or a bit too short.

On my O’day, the thickness of the deck varied from centerline to the sides which adds to the issue of buying just the right length.
^^ This. Even production boats vary a good bit from week to week. I've learned to buy some fasteners at the local hardware store, because calculating and guessing seldom work out. Fortunately, the hardware store near my marina has figured this out, and they stock far more stainless than the West Marine a few blocks away... and of course for less money.
Sep 7, 2011
Hunter H23 Southwind YC, Milford, Kansas
Agreed. I have learned to buy my SS at the local Ace Hardware.
Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
Agreed. I have learned to buy my SS at the local Ace Hardware.
Best Deal. (They actually changed the sign to "Best Deale" in Deale, MD!)

BTW, if you are not doing backing plates, at least use extra thick fender washers. Regular fender washers bend under load and result in core damage. Get a handful and you will have them. WM and hardware stores don't carry them. Fender washers are ONLY for fenders, where they were meant to flex, not actual heavy loads. You see them on some quality boats. They are 3x as thick and 9x as strong.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
What if there is a void between the liner and deck when bolting. There were a couple times when ceiling was attached. Curvatures on deck? Type block base and so on. Do not assume anything. Wait till spring. A lot of unknowns. I sold more of those boats Thant other dealer. Called knowledge and experience but has been years since on one as I am retired.

It is your boat and any decision is yours to make