Considering buying a Bayfield 29C

Mar 11, 2025
Bayfield Bayfield 29C Muskegon, MI
I just got this Bayfield 29C surveyed. One of the things that came back was some damage on the Mast. About 1” by 2” striations 1/4” deep in some places. Will that be a problem in the future? How could I fix it? Will that affect the mast integrity?


May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
From your photo, it looks like normal wear and tear. Perhaps others with more experience will chime in.
Welcome to the forum! :beer:
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
It looks like damage from handling the mast or storage of it. I don’t think my opinion about the future of the mast is important. What did the surveyor write in the report?
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Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
BUY THE BAYFIELD !!! You'll love it! We had one, though not a C. It's a true blue-water cruiser designed and fitted out for two people. The cutter rig is very flexible especially in marginal conditions. Sailing the Florida Panhandle involved a lot of tacking so I turned mine into a "cloop" by putting a quick disconnect on the inner stay and bungie-corded it to the bottom of the mast. and could reconnect it in conditoins when I wanted to fly a staysail or a storm jib. Sea kindly in the extreme. One potential concern: If it has the single-cylinder Yanmar -- some parts such as the oil pump have been unavailable for years. We repowered with a little thee-cylinder Perkins.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I can't tell much from the photo. Can you take a better close up that shows the depth of that indication?
