
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
I suspect that the "law of gross tonnage" had to prevail over any other reg.

Check out the three tall ships docking starting at about 44 secs. Those guys are GOOD!

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Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Interesting enough, the video is a bad representation of boats on water. When the video is sped up by doing time lapse it is a misrepresentation of actual traffic. Boats do not move that fast. And I would think that slower boats would stay to the right along with low draft boats. With that kind of congestion I doubt we will find a boat trolling for fish at 30knts.
Oct 3, 2014
Marlow-Hunter MH37 Lake City, MN
Interesting enough, the video is a bad representation of boats on water. When the video is sped up by doing time lapse it is a misrepresentation of actual traffic. Boats do not move that fast. And I would think that slower boats would stay to the right along with low draft boats. With that kind of congestion I doubt we will find a boat trolling for fish at 30knts.
That's why I'd really like to see it in real time, particularly when the big blue ship cuts back and forth across traffic, to see how bad it really is. It's pretty impressive to me just how smoothly traffic does flow, but you're probably right, a lot of that is the effect of the time lapse.


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
I believe the big blue ship was a ferry on a regular schedule. The tall ships all had tugs.
It was indeed a lot of movement to take in at that speed. I especially like the two tugs that rafted up in the middle of the waterway and just hung out for a while.
The NYC July 4th fireworks show for the US 200th anniversary on a hundred footer was kinda like that but at a bit slower speed. All things considered, I'm surprised we survived the night without a collision. The ColRegs were of little to no help on a night like that, with every boat just sort of milling about watching the fireworks but not really going anywhere. Fun, fun, fun, NOT!
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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I have bees, so I see that a lot.

Nice effect and an interesting perspective. It gives one hope that when each individual is responsible for navigating through their world, complexity can still be managed. No AI needed.

-Will (Dragonfly)
Jan 19, 2018
Hunter Cherubini 30 Cayuga Lake, NY
I just got back from Amsterdam and my primary goal was trying not to get run over by those bikes. It was also very interesting to see tour boat captains maneuvering 90 degree turns in those little canals with those long boats. My hats off to them!