Caveat: Worst marine toilet in history

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Am I correct that you have done a 10 year on the hard refit of a 25' boat, are now stuck in place due to a "bargain" toilet, and you are a professional with 50 years experience ? I think there is a lot we can all learn from your situation; I've been trying to decide whether to re-build or replace my 12 YO Raritan.
Over the past year I replaced the pump assembly on my Raritan, it was a simple operation and less expensive than a new head. The parts that wear are the various seals and the pump assembly. The base and the bowl just don't wear out. I also replaced the "marine" bowl with a standard household bowl. That was a nice comfortable upgrade.
Jun 8, 2004
Catalina 320 Dana Point
Didn't you intend to say "replace my 12 YO Jabsco" ?
Nope, This Raritan replaced the Jabsco 12 years ago, that's 12 years of year round service, so far. While it works well the pump is about due for a rebuild. BTW, it is old enough it didn't use same bolt pattern as Jabsco, so if replaced I'd have to redrill them, and fill the old holes, again .