Catalina 30 Universal Model 25 Engine Starting Issues

Sep 29, 2018
Catalina 30 Annapolis
Just a follow up to say that with 30-40 seconds of glow plugs, it started up within a few seconds of cranking the engine - a much better result. Many thanks.
Jul 19, 2020
catalina 30 buffalo
I'm considering buying a 1986 Catalina 30 that had difficulty starting from a 'cold start' on a 90 degree day. The broker turned it over 3 times before it 'caught' and he thinks that maybe on the third time he had turned the ignition to what I believe is a glow plug setting. I have a friend who bought a boat that had similar starting issues and the engine lacked compression, leading to a nice new Beta, $15k later. I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have.
I have a 1983 Catalina and have found I need to glow the plugs for one minute in order for the engine to quickly start, on hot days I can cut that to about 45 sec.
Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
I have a 1983 Catalina and have found I need to glow the plugs for one minute in order for the engine to quickly start, on hot days I can cut that to about 45 sec.
I would highly recommend the solenoid mod for glow plugs because it greatly reduces the glow time and drain on batteries.