Catalina 30 cockpit redesign

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Apr 28, 2010
Cal 29 Tidewater, VA
The cockpits on the pre-1988 catalinas are lacking the T-cockpit design that many other manufacturers started in their earlier models. Has anyone attempted to reshape their old Catalina 30 into one with a T-cockpit? Anyone know of any disadvantages of doing so? If anyone has attempted it or know of someone who has, can you advise on any problems? The reason I am interested in this is that the old Catalina 30s are still easy to find, many are in excellent shape, are cheaper and better than most other boats in this size range. The only thing I dislike about the old Catalina 30 is the cramped cockpit behind the wheel. Being this will probably be the last boat I buy at the price I can afford, I am willing to take the risk.
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