Catalina 22 vs Starwind 223 vs Laguna Windrose 22

Nov 8, 2010
Beneteau First 36.7 & 260 Minneapolis MN & Bayfield WI
Anything I should look at critically before taking a leap?
The Starwind uses many similar design\construction techniques as an o'day. so:

Look hard at the shroud deck penetrations, and the wooden bulkheads where the chainplates attach for wetness and rot.

Make sure the centerboard lift line is intact, in good condition, and actually lets the board up and down.

Make sure the transom is solid where the OB, rudder, and ladder attach.

Oh finally, look at the sails. I'm going to BET they are original and totally shot. Factor that in.
Oct 17, 2013
Catalina 22 Plymouth MA
The seller of the Starwind 223 we're looking at confessed to having difficulty in launching the boat. She thought it was either the nature of the trunk/centerboard arrangement or the shallowness of their local ramp. Is this an issue others have had with the Starwind 223 or other similar trunk/centerboard designs?
Jul 5, 2010
Oday 22, Mariner, Challenger 15 Michigan
My 1980 O'Day 22 has a shoal keel/centerboard and has never been a problem to launch as long as the ramp had reasonable depth.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Part of the ramp thing is simple. At a typical ramp slope, to get one inch deeper water, you have to back down the ramp on the order of 10 to 12 inches. So for each inch higher the boat sits on the trailer, you need about one foot longer ramp. Example, if one boat sits one foot higher on the trailer than another boat, you will have to back the higher boat trailer 10 to 12 feet farther down the ramp to get the boat to float.
Aug 19, 2013
Sirius 22 Minneapolis
The owners could just be incompetent or just whiners. I don't understand what could be difficult in launching this type of boat. Ramp depths will vary but that should not be a problem unless it's extreme. I have launched my boat from many different places. There are times I have my back wheels in the water, once even the exhaust pipe was partway under. So what it doesn't cause any problems. My boat has a swing keel so it sits lower on the trailer but the tongue is also a bit short. Some people use a tongue extension.
Oct 17, 2013
Catalina 22 Plymouth MA
Regarding the Starwind 223 I'm looking at, I appreciate the input on launching. I'm wondering if rollers could replace the current bunks on the trailers and make launching an easier prospect. I have heard that certain sandwich hulls can be damaged by rollers. If this is true, is the 223 one of those hulls? Thanks to all who've looked and responded. I apreciate the help.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country

The pictures of the ones I've looked at, like the one above, show a boat that is quite high off the ground vs. others you find so I'm sure it is going to be more difficult to launch vs. what it would be with them.

Now in your first post you mention having the boat on a mooring. If that is true and you are only launching and retrieving once a year then maybe you can live with it.

If you want to travel to many different places and launch multiple times a year you might then want to weigh looking at other boats. In fact I wouldn't get to fixated on one boat (make/model) at this time. Look at others before you make a decision,



1300 miles to The Bahamas and Back in the Mac

Endeavour 37 Mods...

MacGregor 26-S Mods...

Mac Trips to Utah, Idaho, Canada, Florida, Bahamas
Oct 17, 2013
Catalina 22 Plymouth MA
Thanks. We're looking at a Catalina 22 tomorrow and a Seafarer next week. Keeping our options open. We plan on renting a UHaul pickup twice a year to get it to the mooring.



Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
Sep 14, 2015
General Boats Rhodes 22 Urbana Ohio

I discovered your web page last spring when I first began considering my next boat. I seriously considered the 26S after seeing how you made yours work for your needs, and looked at a couple. Thank you for the resource you and Ruth provided. I was sorry for your loss. The sailing world suddenly shrank, even from the perspective of a fan.

Aug 19, 2013
Sirius 22 Minneapolis
You might want a tongue extension but other than that I don't see why that boat would be a problem launch or retrieve. I would not put rollers on in place of the bunk boards it just isn't necessary. The other boats you will look at if they have the same keel configuration will all sit the same on their trailers. Doing it only twice a year the ease launching and retrieving would not be my highest priorities. I have a swing keel boat because we do a lot of trailering but if I was in your situation I would have a keel centerboard configuration or even a fixed keel as long as it was not a deep fin. Just my two cents worth.

That looks like a very nice trailer
Oct 17, 2013
Catalina 22 Plymouth MA
Thanks for all the advice and input. We just committed to a 1977 Catalina 22 in great shape with almost-new sails, a furler and a decent trailer. Bringing her home Monday.