Catalina 22 Sport Mast Repair?

Feb 12, 2022
Catalina 22 Sport lake lanier
Ahoy, All!

My Name is Robert Dobbs and this is my first post. I am the proud new owner of a 2006 Catalina 22 Sport. Like any used sailboat there are a few issues to address. The first issue is, I think, a minor one and I have an idea how to fix it. However, since this is my first Catalina, I thought perhaps it might be a good idea to put this to more experienced sailors. The base of the mast appears to have been damaged by way of dropping to the deck, or a dock, whichever was closer. At any rate, it looks to me that part of the mast, where the retaining bolt would be installed, broke away some time ago. Someone, probably prior to the former owner who had the boat for 2 years, performed a jury rig and fashioned 2 support plates that are through-bolted and attached to the inside of the mast. I will say that it seems a sufficient fix. However, I have this insatiable desire to not only construct in regards to structural integrity, but also it should look presentable. So, this fix that was applied, who knows when, might be satisfactory for means of raising and securing the mast to the mast base plate, but it sure ain't pretty. (Pics Attached) What I'd thought of doing, is to cut about 1-1/2" off the mast to completely remove all holes associated with the old fix. Then, install a mast step. Here's a link to a website that might have one. Mast Steps. The only problem is, you have to know the manufacturer of the mast in order to know what part to order.

Any and all feedback welcome!

Catalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 1.jpg
Catalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 2.jpg


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Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new sailboat!!

Fixable. One option is to cut the bottom off and insert a sleeve and weld to the mast.
Feb 18, 2022
Catalina 36 Port Orchard
Welcome @Robert D and it looks to me like it is very repairable. I would remove the old repair and fabricate new that is a bit cleaner. One piece would be best if you can find a fab ship that can do it. The best way would be have the lower inch or so cut off and then have a replacement bottom made to make up the distance. A machine shop or good fabricator can make the sleeve with a shelf the mast will sit on to give it the right height and prevent it from slipping down. This is a good spot to have to repair as most of the stress in simply compression from the weight above. Most of the bending stress is in the middle.


Aug 10, 2014
Catalina 22 9874 Newberg, OR / Olympia, WA
If you decide to trim and raise the mast, CatalinaDirect has a kit for exactly that problem (I'm sure you could make your own with a thick chunk of fiberglass or high-density plastic).
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
If it works two possible fixes, 1 make nifty canvas mast base cover and hide it. 2 put mast on another cat 22 of similar specs.
Feb 12, 2022
Catalina 22 Sport lake lanier
Thanks to all for the really good suggestions!

I must admit, I'm very partial to the idea of fabricating a "Mast Step/Foot" out of either a block of fiberglass, high-density plastic, or even aluminum. Fiberglass just may be the perfect material, cause that's what I got in my shop. ;) Having said that, there is a machine shop in town that just might be able to help me out. The guy makes stuff for Lockheed Martin, so I've got every confidence he can make whatever I need. How much it costs, well, that's the big question here. Either way, I agree with all of you, this is not a difficult fix.

So, it's been mentioned to cut off 1". However, I will need to cut an 1-1/2" to completely remove all holes in regards to the old repair. I don't think this would be an issue. It seems there is enough room to make this adjustment. Also, I'd like to have the "mast retaining bolt hole" (Don't know what else to call it :huh:) drilled into the fabricated Mast step/foot. I've seen parts like this made for sailboats, but not for the Catalina 22 Sport, so far anyway. Well, there is that website "Rig-Rite", but if you don't know the manufacturer, which I don't, of the mast, they will not help you. They will custom make one for you. You just have to create an accurate drawing, then send it to them. I have no idea what that would cost though, and you won't know till you send the drawing.

Ahoy Jacktar, How's the sailing in Pensacola? I ask because one of the reasons for buying this boat was so I could trailer it down to the west coast of Florida, sail in shallow waters and do a bit of fishing while there. I love the inshore fishing on the west coast. I'm sure the fishing is good too in your area as well.

Thanks again guys!
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
This is great area, lots of protected water for day sailing, hurricane holes for overnighting and passes to gulf if you want to go there.
Feb 12, 2022
Catalina 22 Sport lake lanier
Hey Jacktar,

Guess I'll give it a try down there after I get the sailboat up to speed.

Okay, I thought you all might want to see some pics of what I came up with for a fix. The pics are pretty much in order of progress. I decided to go with UHMW plastic. I was lucky enough to get it from a local source for cheap. It took 5 hours to custom make this thing.

Anyway, If anyone has any questions, just ask away.

Catalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 3.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 4.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 5.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 6.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 7.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 8.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 9.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 10.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 11.jpgCatalina 22 Sport Mast Pic 12.jpg
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Feb 18, 2022
Catalina 36 Port Orchard
That was exactly what I was thinking, only made out of aluminum. If you were to have that made out of aluminum then it could be tig welded to become a permanent part of the mast. The plastic piece would make the perfect pattern for someone with a mill or CNC.
Feb 12, 2022
Catalina 22 Sport lake lanier
Hey mikeracca,

I wanted to use aluminum but had no practical way of cutting it into the shape I needed. You're right, in that a CNC machine would do the job. However, the plastic didn't really cost much and I'm sure a CNC charge would be a bit costly. I will be installing some stainless steel screws to hold it in permanently. Also, I gotta tell you, this UHMW plastic is way harder than I thought it would be. It was really quite the challenge to cut and shape. Sanding was no breeze either. This stuff is as tough as nails. I think it's going to last for quite some time... ;)
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