Bronze Prop coatings; Interlux


Jul 10, 2007
Seidelmann 34 Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Wondering if anyone has used the Interlux Interprotect 2000e on their propellers or underwater bronze metal. They recommend a first coat slightly thinned and an additional two or three coats followed by a hard antifouling.

I know there are is prop speed and other prop coatings, but wondering if anyone that has had success with Interlux's recommdations.
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
Use Ace Cold Galvanize from the hardware store. 20 Oz can under $10. Enough for 2 years. It is the same stuff as Pettit Prop paint except the Pettit is $30+ for 14 oz. I have used the Cold Galvanize by Ace or the other major spray paint company (can't remember the name) for 20 years. I also used a Prop Speed look-alike one year. I split a kit with a fellow Sailor and neither of us were impressed. Big cost, poor performance.
The best way to keep the crud off the prop is to motor everyday. The cleanest prop in the harbor is the marina launch.
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Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
@Rich Stidger -well there's that or propspeed. I'm in your camp. I use zinc spray too, works as well as anything other than propspeed, at least for a few months. The bottom needs periodic cleaning regardless, and zincs need checking/changing. A light cleanup on the props is not a lot of extra effort, so long as you don't let it get too bad.
I think Interlux wants to sell a lot of expensive product. If you're going to spend that much and go through all those prep coats you might as well use propspeed.


Jul 10, 2007
Seidelmann 34 Atlantic Highlands, NJ
@Rich Stidger -well there's that or propspeed. I'm in your camp. I use zinc spray too, works as well as anything other than propspeed, at least for a few months. The bottom needs periodic cleaning regardless, and zincs need checking/changing. A light cleanup on the props is not a lot of extra effort, so long as you don't let it get too bad.
I think Interlux wants to sell a lot of expensive product. If you're going to spend that much and go through all those prep coats you might as well use propspeed.
That was sort of what I was thinking, although I will have some Interprotect 2000e from other areas.

These other areas include a lead keel that seems to flake off some of the bottom paint every year and needs faring, as well as a couple of hull areas that I was able to scrape loose bottom paint and expose gel coat. The boat was barrier coated probably 12-15 years ago, afterwards I've only used ablative Interlux bottom paints.
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
I wire brush my stainless steel prop and then wipe with acetone. Then directly spray the zinc coating. Two thin coats. No Interprotect. You would need to see if the zinc coating directly on bronze is ok.


Jul 10, 2007
Seidelmann 34 Atlantic Highlands, NJ
I generally have not liked the zinc sprays made by Pettit (Prop Coat Barnacle Buster) or others since will get some harder growth. Believe it or not I have have better luck with products that are thick wax coatings such as Forespar LanoCote Prop & Bottom Anti-fouling Coating or Prop Armor Foul Release Coating.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
When I first installed my prop I was in awe of the pretty bling I was sharing with my boat. I researched several options offered to keep this pretty bright shiny bangle perfect in every respect. The costs were high for paints and prop-speed surface coatings. Then a more experienced sailor shared,
"it is about the performance not the looks of that blob of shaped bronze. Put it in the water and use it. Clean it up now and again. It will give you many years of service, as long as you don't let it corrode or try to drive it over rocks. If you let that happen you are going to be replacing it not shining it."

I chose to follow this advise. Here is my expreince using my prop in the PacificNW.

In March of 2018, this is what the prop looked like
BronzeProp on Boat.jpg
In February 2023 this is what it looked like when I hauled the boat.

During that 5 year immersion in brine/salt water, I had the hull cleaned by a diver about 3 times a year. I replaced the zincs on the prop shaft aprox every 7 months depending on the divers remarks about the zinc condition and the appearance of the prop. I kept a zinc available for the diver at each cleaning.

On close inspection the prop is looking great. Your experience may vary.

I'll be taking it home. Cleaning the green slime from the blades. Running it over a buffing wheel and reinstalling it on the new prop shaft.