brass or stainless Question 2

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D Runciman

The bronze (brass) screws were used for the stoppers on the elm under the cockpit floor why bronze (brass) and when we removed them their were bent in the shape of an S. So the XO is leaning toward stainless. Any comments!


bronze vs. brass

I did not read your previous post, so I may be off base here, but I noticed you were talking about bronze with brass in ( ). Bronze and brass are two different metals and will cause each other to corrode as any two dissimilar metals will if you use them together. Your nuts and bolts need to be the same metal. More importantly, when you do plumbing, make sure you don't mix metals. For example, using a brass fitting on a bronze ball valve will cause corrosion. Getting back to what you mentioned in your question, I lean more towards stainless steel fasteners as long as I am not mixing metals, especially when strength is an issue.

J Runciman


brass or bronze not certain which one I have on the sailboat.

Terry Arnold

brass and bronze

No problem in differentiating these metals, especially when used as fasteners. Brass, when scratched to a non oxidized surface is yellow or gold, bronze much redder.
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