Bilge Pump in Keel?

May 6, 2024
Precision P-18 Tuckerton
Hi, sailors!
My wife and I are launching our P-18 again after a 7 year delay (we stored the boat when our first son was born). I want to install a bilge pump and place it as deep as possible in the hull of the boat where water collects. Any suggestions on how to set it up? I have a basic bilge pump with a float switch (can't remember the brand) I was planning to install just under the cockpit, but that isn't where most of the water collects. Hoping for some advice.

Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
1. Coat a thin piece of plywood with epoxy and then glue it to the sole of your bilge.
2Then secure the bracket of your bilge pump to the plywood using SS machine screws… back the screw out and put a drop of gorilla glue in the hole. This will waterproof the wood in the screw hole… put the screws back in.
3. follow the wiring diagram/instructions to feed it power.
4Clip the pump into the bracket.
Oct 6, 2007
Hunter H30 1982 Chicago IL
I’m not familiar with your boat, so can’t help with exact pump location. Here are a couple points not yet mentioned that are pretty much universal though:
Make sure the discharge through hull is high enough on the hull that you can’t get in-flow on any tack.
There will be some normal back flow from the hose when the pump cycles off. How much depends on the length of the discharge hose. Back flow preventers on bilge pump hoses tend to get fouled up. Just keep your float switch slightly higher than the pump so that the back flow doesn’t result in perpetual on/off cycles.
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Assuming you are talking about the Precision 18, manufacturing by Precision has ceased but parts are being sold by one of the owners still. I suggest giving him a call.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
You didn't indicate what dimensions you have to use at the bottom of your keel. I had a boat with a deep but generous keel. I mounted both bilge pump and float switch on a piece of 1/8x2" aluminum stock bent at 90 degrees, using most of the stock as a vertical arm, dropped the assembly into the keel, was able to pull it up at will for cleaning/replacement. (Also had a brand new basic Rule float switch that shorted out to the bilge water in a stinkpot, drained the batteries, and nearly sank the boat from rainwater infiltration during a period of culpable neglect. I was punished with a $10,000 repair bill covering the complete replacement of a bow thruster system, AC water pump, yadda yadda.)
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Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
To find out where the water collects, the boat should be places in the water. Testing it while on trailer is sure to produce inaccurate results.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
If a Precision 18, did you ever call Precision Sailboats? How about some pictures of the boat and bilge area. Are you talking about Precision sailboat which isn’t a stink potter.
Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
Don't screw into your bilge. There's wood in there. Even when its properly sealed, water will still get in there. I had to drop the CB on my Starwind 19 (Nearly the same boat, also a Jim Taylor design). I found moist wood under the 5200 that was covering the bolts. The previous owner glued the bilge pump to a piece of plexiglass that sat in the bilge. It worked alright. No issues

I also had an O'Day 25 that had the bilge pump screwed into the bilge. Water leaked into the keel, we had a -30F freeze and the fiberglass on the keel cracked. That was a fun repair.
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Don't screw into your bilge. There's wood in there. Even when its properly sealed, water will still get in there. I had to drop the CB on my Starwind 19 (Nearly the same boat, also a Jim Taylor design). I found moist wood under the 5200 that was covering the bolts. The previous owner glued the bilge pump to a piece of plexiglass that sat in the bilge. It worked alright. No issues

I also had an O'Day 25 that had the bilge pump screwed into the bilge. Water leaked into the keel, we had a -30F freeze and the fiberglass on the keel cracked. That was a fun repair.
I bet the -30 was fun, too.
Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 34 Casco Bay
We had a Bristol 32 that had a deep full keel.. The water tank had failed and was removed from the now huge open keel area. I cut down a piece of 5/4 pressure treated lumber and fashioned an "L" shaped plate. The plate received the bilge pump and was attached to the 5/4.. The 5/4 was then attached to a deck stringer that was bolted with wing nuts for easy removal..