Beneteau 36cc Rudder leak

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Gary Paige

I have been trying to resolve a design defect in the rudder post of my 36 CC. Water pours in through the rudder post when under way and motoring at anything in excess of a few knots. Later models have been modified with longer rudder posts and refitted with hydraulic steering.. I would like to hear from anyone with similar trouble and potential remedy

Brian Pickton of

Rudder post leak

Feb.27,2001 Dear Gary, Off the top of my head it sounds like the lower seal is worn and needs replacement. That means pulling the boat and dropping the rudder to replace it. May I ask what you noticed on your inspection and what steps you have taken to try to resolve the problem? Brian Pickton,of, aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Ron Simon

Rudder Leak

Dear Gary: Have the same problem with my First 38. Spoke to Beneteau and they told me the Rudder Seal probably has to be replaced. As Brian sez, this involves dropping the rudder. Rather than attempt this most difficult task I took the easy way out. I installed an automatic Rule pump in the engine bilge area, connected the discharge of this pump to my main bilge discharge line which runs thru the engine compartment. If you go this route make sure you install a check value in the line. The installation of this pump didn't solve the leaking but it at least keeps the water to a minimum. Good luck .

Gary Paige

Rudder leak follow-up

This leak has been active since launch in 1998. It took sometime of periodic troubleshooting to reveal exactly where the leak was coming from. The boat was hauled a few months ago and inspection revealed no problems with the rudder seal. It seems the rudder tube is too short and water flows in while motoring...the only real remedy seems to be to retrofit the boat with a longer rudder tube and hydraulic steering as all of the current 36cc are being manufactured.

Brian Pickton

Thanks for the follow up.

Mar.3,2001 Dear Gary, Now that you have sourced the leak to the rudder post and it does not appear to be a problem with the seal I have a follow up inquiry for you. I noted in your commentary that the problem occurs while motoring but you made no comment about it happening while under sail. Obviously you can sail at the same speed your motoring at, the difference being that the prop wash puts more stress an the rudder. My question is have you actually observed the leak? Is the water coming out the top of the post? My concern is that you may have a stress fracture in the tube that needs the extra stress put on it by motoring to become active. Second, has Beneteau made any comment? If it is a short tube issue as you suspect will they provide a replacement? Brian Pickton, aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Josef Oehlinger

Rudder leak

I got one of the first 36 cc from France factory and I experienced the rudder leak in my third sailing season (99) Water started flowing in under heavy weather conditions and when motoring with excess 1800 rpm (a bucket every half hour) First suspected a failure of a sealing ring, but the sealing ring you feel with your fingers is only to prevent dirt from falling into the bearing from inside the boat. Boat had to be lifted and rudder removed. There is no shaft seal in this design. The bearing bushing (yellow metal)had to be replaced by a new one from Beneteau. After carefully reinserting the new bushing into the glass fibre bearing pedestal the problem was gone. I believe that after the replacement the stainless steel bearing shaft of the rudder fits so smooth in the bushing that it moves easily radially without letting water pass in axial direction. Other explanation is that factory mounted bushing was not properly inserted in the pedestal bore or was not of propper size and let water pass backside between bushing and pedestal bore. After putting the boat back into water the problem is gone - atleast to today. My Beneteau dealer told me Benetau did not accept my claim that this is a manufacturing or design problem which I still believe it was. Josef Oehlinger Vienna, Austria

Gary Paige

Rudder Leak followup

Thanks for all your input. I am going to forward your suggestion to replaced bearings to my dealer. Beneteau has been no support to this problem and I am now pursuing legal action to get the problem resolved. Perhaps you could forward me more details in the event this issue is raised to a class action.


Lost Sale

I was considering the purchase a new 36 CC even after reading some of the negative reviews such as not through bolting the hull deck seal etc. Given the problem you have, and others have brought up, and the lack of response by Beneteau, I am now reconsidering this decision. I am tired of hearing the boats are not like cars and they all have quality problems. Yes, they are different than most cars, they cost a hell of a lot more. The manufacture's response to an issue is the true test. No more excuses from the boating industry. It is only once in a "Blue Moon " that you hear of a recall. This is usually due to a safety issue which can be tracked, such as Hunters electrical problems on a specific model. This is why sites such as this will eventually change the marine industries practices. Hope all of you get your rudder issues resolved and they are paid for by the manufacturer. Off to look at boats again.
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