Balboa 27 swing keel

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I recently posted a note about a missing swing keel (mistakenly referred to as a centerboard). I got quite a few helpful responses which I'm checking out, but no swing keel yet. I did get referred to one place that might be able to make one but they need dimensions. Does anyone by any chance have dimensions for the swing keel on a 27 Balboa? Any original plans floating around out there?


I would be surprised if Joel at could not help you. I know the company produces several items for both the Balboa 20, and the Balboa 27, including rudders. Aside from length, weight, and sectional width dimensions, perhaps the most critical measurement is the location of the pivot bolt (distance from the top of the keel, distance between leading and trailing edge)and the shape of the top of the keel to permit "swing". It might be possible for you to obtain some rough dimensions from owners of Balboa 27's who were willing to measure the keels on their boats. If all else fails, maybe a google search using Lyle Hess (designer of the boat), or Balboa 27, as search items may help. Just an idea. Paul.
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