Backstay length

Tony M

Oct 2, 2024
Sirius 21 Hartwell
Hi all,

Just purchased an old Sirius 21 with a broken backstay.
Obviously I can estimate backstay length via Pythagoras, but does anybody know the exact backstay length from the factory?

Many thanks,
Tony M
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
It might be a good time to install an adjustable backstay. For several reasons: One is that you won't need to know the exact length. Another is that an adjustable would give you at the ability to play with mast rake, which is a pretty big deal in achieving a balanced helm. Finally, you can harden up the forestay for upwind work reducing sag in the forestay, improve pointing and reducing heel.
I don't know the rig on the Sirius 21 but I would definitely consider adjustable.
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Tony M

Oct 2, 2024
Sirius 21 Hartwell
Thank you for the reply.
Just to let you know I am a newbie to sailing. This is my first boat.

I live in Hartwell GA, and there is not a single rigger in the area (for 2 good size lakes).
Thus I am looking at finding a way to repair/rig a new backstay myself. The part which is flummoxing me is swaging the connections of the cable. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The cable looks good to the eye, but at the place where the cable splits in two (for two transom connections) one cable is completely gone.
The backstay looks like and inverted Y, with the lower arms (~ 5ft) removeable. Those two lower sections are missing.

I did some online reading about adjustable backstays, and given the current broken part, this seems like it would be a good fit.
Do you have a good online reference to point me towards?

Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
here's a search with quite a bit of information about split backstays and rigging. There are several ways of doing it. Some boats are suitable for one technique or another. You've got to fit the technique to your boat.
For swages they are best done on a machine by a rigger. You can send it to a rigger or somewhere like West Marine to have it professionally done. There are DIY alternatives. You can even do it cordage.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
From the link by @shemandr above I found this video. Boat s a similar size to yours. He covers the rigging essentials regarding a backstay. It may help. You need to click the YouTube link to view the movie.

Regarding the images. Make sure they are plain “jpeg” or still (not enhanced live images) from your iPhone. Copy and paste the image into the forum text. Image must be less than 2 meg so degrade your high resolution images.