Autohelm Wind Inst. + Processor on Console

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J Stage

How do you uninstall the display and processor from the console? Can it be done by taking out the bucket or do you have to take off top of console that traveler is mounted on? Masthead portion was rebuilt over the winter, but it is still not reading correctly. Sent it back because it was reading on starboard and not on port. Now it is just putting in figures ie 31 knots and then counting down to zero and then a reasonable reading will pop in, etc. Direction goes all over the spectrum also. Raymarine suggests I send both the masthead and display-processor back. Thought I might just send the display-processor back if I can get it off without taking the boat to a repair facility. This could be checked out before I paid to get the masthead portion off. Would have to take it 12 miles to have someone take the unit off the mast. Perhaps I should just settle for a handheld for wind speed. Please be specific if you have done this or have any other comments. Thanks, Joan



Joan,not sure exactly how your console is set up but I was able to remove my console mounted autopilot display by removing the Yanmar instrument panel and slipping it out to reach my hand in and remove the display head.Might work for your situation.Good Luck !
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