any way to fix a bad topside paint job?

Nov 16, 2019
irwin citation key largo
I found a decent 1997 Hunter 376, well equipped and good condition for a very good price. We drove 6 hours to see it and discovered that the previous owner had some yard rat paint the top decks. It looked bad; the paint they used was bright white super glossy that doesn't really work. it shows brush marks, has sags, white paint on the rub rail, the curved edges were taped with multiple straight lines instead of smooth curves. then to top it off they globbed on some kind of grey non-skid that shows the diamonds in some areas, too thick in others. I think it destroyed the value of the boat, but the question is can something like this be fixed? maybe try to sand and smooth out the old pant and then repaint it again? so sad to see a decent boat look like this
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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I'm no expert, but I do know the most important and time consuming part of painting is the prep. The only way to be sure of a good job is to take it down to a good base and begin again.
I wonder what the seller is trying to hide. Are there any soft spots?
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
Why would anyone use non-skid on the topsides?

Regardless, most people look at market or re-sale value in terms of form over substance so, although it may be a “decent” boat, its appearance is a liability you probably don’t want to inherit.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Lots of 40 and 80 grit sandpaper. Once all the old paint is removed, it is time to start over. A big job with lots of prep work involved.

If you have lots of time and the boat is deeply discounted then it may be worth it. Otherwise, there are plenty of boats requiring less work out there.
Nov 16, 2019
irwin citation key largo
I'm no expert, but I do know the most important and time consuming part of painting is the prep. The only way to be sure of a good job is to take it down to a good base and begin again.
I wonder what the seller is trying to hide. Are there any soft spots?
Thanks for the reply, I walked the deck and all was solid. The story is that the owners wife didn't like the boat so he had it painted in hopes she would approve.
I guess the lesson is, don't skimp on a boat paint job, it can destroy the value of your boat
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Nov 16, 2019
irwin citation key largo
Lots of 40 and 80 grit sandpaper. Once all the old paint is removed, it is time to start over. A big job with lots of prep work involved.

If you have lots of time and the boat is deeply discounted then it may be worth it. Otherwise, there are plenty of boats requiring less work out there.
the boat is deeply discounted, probably because of the bad paint job. It has been for sale for a year. I figure it would be worth about $45k if it looked good. I can probably get it for $30k, but I don't want to tackle such a big unpleasant job and don't have the time anyway, so I plan to pass on it. Maybe someone who wants a lot of boat for the money and doesn't care what it looks like will buy it.


Dec 1, 2009
Sabre 402 Southport, CT
We had a $30,000 quote to paint our deck. It involved removing & remounting all the deck hardware and fittings in order to do a thoroughly professional job. So we did it ourselves instead. After sanding everything down we spent about two days just masking all the stuff we didn't bother to remove. And about three weeks doing solvent washes, laying down primer, doing solvent washes, rolling down topcoats, breathing through respirators, waiting for the right weather and praying for it. Cost for supplies and equipment was perhaps around $2000, but it was a lot of work.
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Nov 16, 2019
irwin citation key largo
Thanks, this confirms what I figured I would be in for if I try it. In addition I have to do more work to to remove the existing paint.


Nov 4, 2010
Beneteau 331 Deale, MD
I'm fighting the urge to run away from the boat you describe as I write this, even though I don't know its location! ;)
I've long said that you can do more damage with paint than almost anything--undoing it starts at hard and goes on up, and off, the scale of difficulty. But I'm someone who has a hard time working on something that I don't think I can make look fairly good in the end.
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Nov 16, 2019
irwin citation key largo
Thanks Tom, I agree. My wife liked the boat so much she is trying overlook the bad paint job, but for me, every time I see the boat I will cringe at the paint. My opinion is that like makeup on a woman, if you notice it instead of the object it is on, it is a bad job.
Apr 8, 2010
Ericson Yachts Olson 34 28400 Portland OR
We are refinishing our boat now, over this summer. Taking all of the deck gear off is quite a project. On the positive side, this is the chance to epoxy-pot all of the holes for fastenings, and we have done so.... well over 200 holes... our core was still dry, so this work guarantees that it will stay that way.

As for a bad paint job -- oh my yes it ruins the value of a boat (or car, or airplane). Several years ago, we looked at an early 80's E-38, that was misrepresented - a lot - by the seller. Deck, with only crude taping off for fittings, had been painted over with a broom, or something like a broom.
My Lord it was beyond bad. :(
We looked inside it, but it was so grimy we were afraid to touch a bulkhead; engine was filthy black and neglected looking.

The market is full of decent boats; keep looking. There are far better ones out there.
Just in our little YC, three couples have sold or are selling their sailboats this season due to 'aging out' of active boating.
Ask around, and maybe put up some wanted signs, and run a wanted ad on CL.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
I've basically considered the deck un-paintable. I know it can be painted. The deck is so much more difficult to paint than the topsides. Because of the aforementioned hardware, and that you have to grind most or all of the non-slip off it is just too much work. Not to mention that there are about 2 good painting days a year for outdoor painting. And then you have to have a plan to add back the non-skid. The $25,000 quote doesn't surprise me.
One boat I looked at had a big stain on the cabin top. It looked like someone spilled epoxy there. Moved on.
Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
Thanks Tom, I agree. My wife liked the boat so much she is trying overlook the bad paint job, but for me, every time I see the boat I will cringe at the paint. My opinion is that like makeup on a woman, if you notice it instead of the object it is on, it is a bad job.
Or are you looking at the wrong characteristic of the woman? I've made that mistake. Most honest men have.

Do you like the boat? It's that simple. Never buy a boat that doesn't make you feel good. You can fix the paint, but it will be difficult if you are fussy about such things. Me, I focus on reliability, comfort below, and how she sails.
Jul 19, 2013
Pearson 31-2 Boston
I found a decent 1997 Hunter 376, well equipped and good condition for a very good price. We drove 6 hours to see it and discovered that the previous owner had some yard rat paint the top decks. It looked bad; the paint they used was bright white super glossy that doesn't really work. it shows brush marks, has sags, white paint on the rub rail, the curved edges were taped with multiple straight lines instead of smooth curves. then to top it off they globbed on some kind of grey non-skid that shows the diamonds in some areas, too thick in others. I think it destroyed the value of the boat, but the question is can something like this be fixed? maybe try to sand and smooth out the old pant and then repaint it again? so sad to see a decent boat look like this
I would definitely go with "I think it destroyed the value of the boat..." and leave it at that.
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Why would anyone use non-skid on the topsides?

Regardless, most people look at market or re-sale value in terms of form over substance so, although it may be a “decent” boat, its appearance is a liability you probably don’t want to inherit.
Top decks, not top sides....

Jan 10, 2016
Islander Wayfarer 37 Sloop Key West
Well I'm going to ask a question that will show my ignorance but I'm gonna ask anyway.

Is it normal for a sailboats decks to be painted? I assumed a boats deck in original condition would be gelcoat. Or are we talking about wood decks?