At this point I'd be thrilled to death with a little puddle in the anchor locker.
Ok thought I fixed the issue and was jumping for joy.
Took off the wood panel. Found the fiberglass behind that and wasn't to thrilled.
Cut the bottom 3 inches of the panel off since that's as much as you can take without getting into the anchor locker.
it's tight and hard to see.
Got my big ol kitchen rubber glove on and squirt 5200 into my hand (glove hand)
pushing the 5200 up into the cavity of where the drain comes out of the locker trust me it's a tight shitty little spot to do anything........well after an entire tube of 5200 and half of that I swear up to my elbow seems the glove wasn't enough I finished.
Looking now down the tube from the top in the anchor locker what do I see? A little bit of 5200 showing in the tube inside........Now I'm doing the fancy dance put the entire thing back together and it all looks great......Me figuring that since a little came UP from where I was working underneath I'm thinking that the hole must have gotten fixed otherwise why would the 5200 made it up into the hole.
Well take it out the other day thinking that things are going to be dry as a bone. NOOOOOOOOOOO we got water. It's not a lot seems a lot less than before but after about 8 hours on the water in fairly heavy seas I still got maybe 2 glasses of water under the floor. DAMN!!!!
Today I bought ANOTHER tube of 5200 this time approaching the issue again from under but this time thinking that the remainder might be coming from the bottom side of the tube.
When I was out on the water the water coming in wasn't coming from the original location but a second place down lower....Most likely it was coming from both locations in the first place just couldn't see the bottom location since water ran down over top the second if that makes since.
At this point I'm so disgusted with the entire situation and how they put that together it amazes me they ever thought it was a good idea to have a HARD drain tube that is connected to two surfaces that move independently of each other being the anchor locker and the hull now it's not much they move separately but they do move separately why not use a flexable line is beyond me.
I haven't takin the boat out since todays last ditch effort of a simple (or what was supposed to be simple) fix. If it's fixed then super I'm done. If it leaks then I'm giving up on the original drain tube and gonna seal it off on both ends and install something similar to what you had showing in the link.
Only think I believe that might do differently is I was wondering why
1. they put the drain so low on the water line on the outside it appears to be nearly at the waterline or very close to it guess I don't see the need for that much drop.
2. The drain hose looks crazy big to me since it's such a small amount of water that drains out there in the first place.
3. kind of related to number one believe that I'll run the whole thing out the side putting the tube and everything behind the wood panel.
Anyway never in my wildest dreams did I think this was going to turn into such a major ordeal seeing as I was thrilled that had found where this little leak was coming from and thinking it was going to be a quick fix......Yah at times I believe nothing is quick and easy.