I recently installed a Balmar 6-series (100A) alternator on my sailboat to replace the stock 60A alt that came from Yanmar. So far, it has been great. This is the first alternator I've owned that has an alternator temperature sensor on it, and while I know that when/if it gets TOO hot, my sensor/regulator will work to protect it, I'm wondering what a "normal" temperature would be. Obviously everyone is going to have different setups, different ventilation, etc. etc... so I know I'm not going to get back an EXACT number, but just curious at what range I should be comfortable. I think I saw 230F listed somewhere as the maximum operating temp before the sensor starts limiting things to protect it, but certainly there must be some "normal" I should be shooting for that's better than just being below the max. I've been keeping an eye on it, and the hottest I've seen it get up to was around 190F... but most of the time when it's not being pushed it's MUCH lower than that... more like 150F. I initially set the belt load manager setting on my ARS-5 regulator to "4" which means my 100A alt is more or less now an 80A alt... but admittedly that number was somewhat arbitrary when I did the initial setup, and I'd like to adjust it further now that I've seen the alternator working in action, and temperature seems like an important part of that equation. Anyone have advice on what temp range (other than the obvious "the cooler the better" I should be shooting for)? Thanks.