Additional Surveys

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Warren Milberg

Once you've had a used boat surveyed, bought it, and sailed it successfully for a number of years afterward (without major problems), how often (if ever) should you have your own boat professionally surveyed? Also, given the number of problems reported with new boats, do you recommend that buyers of new boats have them surveyed by their own surveyor prior to taking possession of them? Or when their warranty is about to expire?

Charlie Gruetzner -

Warren, I am not sure there is an easy answer to your question. Right now it looks as if the insurance companies are asking for a survey of a boat once the boat is 10 years old and about evry 5 years after tht. If the boat is over 20years old they want the boat short hauled so the bottom can be surveyed. If you keep up with the preventative maintenance, particularly when it comes to water intrusion, you should not need one in the interim. I reccommend that every five years all the deck hardware, stanchions etc, get lifted and rebedded. That way you shouldn't hve to worry about water getting inot the core of the boat. As far as new boats I guess it becomes a personal choice. If you look at it from the point of view that you have invested a large amount of money it is a good idea. I think that it is wise to have a professional surveyor go over the boat with you. They may pick up on some safety or structural issues that you might not know particularly when it comes to ABYC standards or safety considerations. I recently did a survey on a new boat where the manufacturer mounted the battery charger directly over the battery bank. That is a safety issue since the fumes from the battery will eventually attack the wiring in th charger and could cause a fire. I hope this helps Charlie
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