ABYC wire identification question?

Nov 6, 2020
Mariner 36 California
A year from now troubleshooting you’ll wonder why you didn’t have the foresight to go back and label them while reaching for a bottle of stronger spirits like 151 rum. :biggrin::beer:
lol...that might be true. Now i know why rum is such a popular drink for sailors.
  • Ha
Likes: rgranger
Nov 6, 2020
Mariner 36 California
Oh, I think a nice 80 proof Bourbon would do. Save the 151 for when you want to do an insurance job on the boat. My mother used to use it to set desserts on fire.
Two bottles onboard with a good Whiskey as a backup :p
May 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Lake Lanier
I made a custom electrical panel for my boat. It has the names of each HOT/POS cable engraved on both sides, so I can read the names when it is down. (The cables themselves are also labeled with the label maker.) The NEUTRAL/NEG cables are labeled with the label maker.

I also use a label maker to make labels long enough to flag, even on small gauge wire. If big enough, I also write the usage on the cover of bundled cables in various places along the length
Panel Front & Back.jpg
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Cool! Saves the "Is the breaker the 4th from the top or bottom" questions when working on the back of the panel. Some future you and a future owner will appreciate your foresight.