AMEE flotilla of four or less boats here, each sailed solo. In the past we depart at different times with a plan to rendezvous at a particular anchorage; Clam Bay, Pirates Cove, Prevost Harbor, Annette Inlet, et al. From there we depart as a group towards our next anchorage maybe an hour or two, or three away. Once there, it's skippers night every night where we alternate boats to commiserate the days' journey over an assortment of beverages, local succulents, nibbles, well before the dinner hour arrives. Afterwards, we each retire to our own boat to rest and prepare for the leg that awaits, or spend another day at anchor. Such a pace has a worked well for our little group over the years. Many fond memories and several DVDs to bring back all the good times. Age is creeping upon our little flotilla and lately just the two of us left, it seems. Sometimes three, but the third seems to have lost interest.