A big step down - updated

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Apr 25, 2013
Macgregor M26 DeRidder, LA
I share the desires for a "Step Down". I purchased a Macgregor 26 in 2006, just before I was injured in Iraq 2007. I am 61 years old now and love sailing and trailering my boat Pelican Jim named after my departed uncle and my grandkids James, Ivan & Mark. (No my uncle was Jim not Pelican. We live in the Pelican State. Louisiana) I love my Mac. I can rig, launch and recover my boat singlehanded. It trailers like a dream and makes a suitable "camper trailer" for the cool nights on the road. I have been in the Gulf of Mexico and the Puget Sound and lakes in between the two. The 50 HP motor on the Mac allows the boat to move through tidal waters in the Sound with ease. For me, sailing my Mac is therapy. I do not hurt as much moving across mild seas and listening to the water move under the hull. I have had as many as 7 persons on an overnighter. (Grandkids, parents and wife and I). It was 'fun' but not the most comfortable.
If you want to really travel and then sail this is the correct boat. If you want to sail and maybe travel you are looking at the suitable boats.
Apr 7, 2013
Montgomery 15 15' Jerry Montgomery design Durango
Well, I thought I should get back here and tell of my goings on. I've spent much too much time browsing the internet looking at boats, more boats, and even more boats.
I would like to thank all posters for their valuable contributions to this thread. It has helped immensely in my education not only of what boats are available but what boats are better sailers for what type of waters and it has made me very critical in my thinking of what I really want. I know I want a boat that is easily trialered, masted, rigged and launched for a simple day of sailing and is similarly simple to trailer, de-rig, de-mast, and tow home on the same day. At the same time I want good sail performance and a boat that I will not find frustration for lack of speed or upwind capability or comfort if I were to spend a night if I wanted. This concept has repeatedly led me to the small, simple, capable Montgomery 17. But these boats are hard to find used and are quickly bought once they enter the market. If I were to consider a new Montgomery I would then be inclined toward the Sage 17, if for no other reason than they are built in Colorado and improved on and built by the designer of the Montgomery 17, Jerry Montgomery.
I have looked at everything suggested on any post in this thread and have considered boats up to 22’ in length. There is a strong group of Macgregor 26 owners and after looking at the boat I can certainly see the attraction – but – I just don’t want to store a 26’ boat in my back yard. The West Wight Potters are more plentiful in the used market but I am not enamored with the look of the boat. The 18- 22’s made by Precision and Catalina and O’Day are contenders but after seeing many of those they all start looking somewhat the same. As one poster commented “look at any boat with a logical eye first and if it passes the technical requirements see if it is a "second looker". When you're walking away do you naturally stop, turn around, and look at her again just because she causes you joy? That's the right boat.”
Logically, I want a small, easy, fun, fast, comfortable trailer sail boat. The boats that really bring me joy to look at? The Montgomery and the Sage. Still – there is a great divide in the availability of the Montgomery within the used market compared to other boats, both in numbers and in price. There are no used Sage yet. And to buy one new is around $1400.00 a lineal foot.
I've joined the local sail club and intend to be a "boat bum" for the summer. I'm making plans to go to Lake Havasu Pocket Cruiser Convention 2014. I'm going to make the drive to Golden just to look at the Sage's.
I’m still open minded and in no great hurry. If and when the right boat presents itself - I’ll be ready.
I came very close to purchasing a very cute and well conditioned ComPac 16 but I’ve not heard great reviews about it’s sailing performance or comfort and have tacked away from its consideration. The price was right though...
MY BOAT MUST – keep me enthused about sailing! If it is not fun I won’t do it. I do know myself that well.

Again, thanks to all and keep me in mind should you find a boat you think I might enjoy. I’ve much enjoyed this thread and hope it has helped others as well.

Apr 22, 2013
West Wight Potter 19 19 Rio Vista, CA
The Sage is built for speed, you have to use your self for ballast. The Monty is a very nice boat not quite as stable as the Potter 19, and not as comfortable for cruising, and you can't beach it. Depending on your needs they are all great little boats.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
What's the draft situation? Is that retractable?
I'm downsizing and this is of some interest. How does it sail?
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
I'm enjoying this thread, takes me back when I was working through similar issues. Finally ended up with this...john
That is one sweet little boat!
If I were to downsize it would be amongst the leaders.
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