41DS chain locker slope and castling


Jun 23, 2016
Hunter 41DS Poulsbo WA USA
The other post asking about where the windlass relay is on a 41DS got me to thinking about this again...

So the locker on these boats has a slope from the windlass/aft and downwards.
There is a little channel with stainless that the anchor chain goes down, but then onto that slope again.
The slope itself is part of what creates the space for that interior locker in the forward head/shower.
In practice, I have to swish the chain back and forth with a stick when weighing anchor after I have a certain amount in.
The chain doesn't really 'castle' so much in a pile, but rather kind of builds up on that slope.

I thought about maybe trying to lengthen the piece that the chain goes down on to maybe get it a couple inches away from the slope and did that help?

I have also considered putting a short 4" fiberglass tube in the locker, which would take up space, but I could put like the last 100 feet of rode that rarely gets used down that and into the bow itself. Understood on funkiness of anchor muck getting into the bilge, but again, that last 100 feet doesn't really get used that often.

Any other ideas or solutions people have found that helps with this slope and having the chain fall cleanly?

Thanks in advance.