37 Legend vs 40 Legend

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Les Hall

We are comparing the 37 Legend and the 40 Legend for the purpose of living aboard (2 adults), considering the fact that a second head is not that important to us. Is there that much difference between the two minus the second head? On paper, these boats look fairly comparable. Also, would one of these boats make a better west coast cruiser than the other? Thanks for any and all responses...


Live Aboard

We live aboard a 450 and wish it were a 55. I dont know your age ot how many people or kids come aboard. For some reason they all like PopPOPs heads and I end up peein over the side.


Once More

Another thing or two,we have vacuflush and sometimes one is clogged.Women throw everything down there,and like the old story "NOT ME".And some mornings I would suggest you use the other head, there is a horse in this one.

Johnny Hughes

Didn't think I needed two heads

I didn't think I needed two heads either, but they have certainly come in handy many times, especially with guest aboard. I have never been on the 37 but did have a 34 with one head and believe me I have come to really like the two heads in my 40 legend.
Sep 24, 1999
Hunter H46LE Sausalito
you'll change your tune...

...the first time the mother-in-law comes aboard and clogs the head. nice to have a spare. wonderblond thinks that having two heads is the key to a liveaboard marriage. (she'll never admit to having spent many happy weekends on a boat with a bucket, back in the days of yore.)

Andy Howard

I had my mother in law aboard once

but since I started putting flea collars on the docklines she hasn't come back.

Mike Pilolla

Extra Room and Spare Parts

My wife and I owned a 37.5 and absolutely loved the boat. We did a lot of weekenders and 7 to 10 day trips and loved everything about her. However, once we made the decision to live aboard, no matter how much we loved the boat, we knew we wanted more room and convenience, especially when others come for a visit. We now own and live aboard a 450 (the maximum we felt the two of us could handle as a team)and neither of us ever regret having the extra space or convenience. Also, you know how many times you read about having spare parts aboard for everything imaginable. It's sound advice, but you'd almost need a second boat to haul everything suggested. The second head is like having a complete set of spare parts for a pretty essential piece of gear. And it's like having a little extra insurance (peace of mind) when you know there's an alternative to "hanging it over the stern" in case the head breaks. Like everyone else, it's just my opinion, but I don't think I've ever heard any cruisers complain about having too much room. Good luck with your search and your decision. Happy sailing. Mike Pilolla s/v Carolina

Les Hall

Bigger Better!

Thanks for all the replies. Two heads do sound like a good idea - she can use the one way up front! By the way, how many flea collars does it take? Anyway, you guys must have the wrong mother-in-law - mine is scared of sailboats. Good Sailing... Les and Kathy s/v KYRIE H270

Sam Kurtz


I took my mother-in-law out on the boat once, someday I may even go out and bring her back in from where I left her.


With kids

I like having the two heads on my 40 with the kids. When they are grown and gone I've contemplated turning the front head into a massive closet. As every one has noted the more room the better So I'd say go with the 40 ( of course I'm bias thats what I have ) and if you find you don't use it...convert it to storage or a work room. Kevin H40 Katawa Cay

Chris Rice

Bigger is better!

We own an 87 Hunter 40 and STILL have a hard time finding storage. We installed an 8kw genset in the former hanging closet across from the forward head and we use the head itself for food storage for extended cruises. We agree though that when guests are aboard having 2 heads is indispensable! We are also planning to add an additional fuel tank behind the aft stateroom and a watermaker in lieu of an additional water tank. No room for clothes onboard anymore-darn! Chris & Janie Sea Dawg

Larry Boone

Two heads

We enjoy a dry and pleasant aft head because we take showers only in the front head. The front head is then still available when guests are aboard.
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