336 Battery Charging

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Jun 9, 2004
- - Bohemia River, Maryland
The former owner of my 336 had removed the power feed lines from the battery charging switch on the control panel to the factory battery charger/inverter due to different size batteries. I replaced the batteries with a matched gell set and returned the feeds to the switch. Now when I have the charger on and turn on the interior lights, they go dim for a split second before getting bright. I also noticed that the 12V battery switch does not turn off the batteries when switched to off, I still have 12v power to the panel. What is happening? Please advise.
Dec 23, 2003
Hunter H31 83-87 Captain's Cove Bridgeport, CT
Right Side

Are you sure you got the wire on the correct side of the switch, sounds like you got a reverse feed to your 12 vdc system.
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