Hey guys, my 309 also leaks water in through the mast step. its definitely not holding water in the base of the mast, those drain holes are huge. I took my endoscope and tried to get some pics through the various openings. didn't really tell me much, but a couple things you can see in the pics (some pretty poor quality, sorry it's a $10 endoscope). a couple observations:
1. there's a "mess" of wiring there. the coax type for the radio antennae, plus a wiring harness.
2. there is the corrugated tube (shown in the diagrams above).
3. the drain channels are huge, nothing pooling (the drain channels are the bright sunlight pouring through from below as the base of the mast was in sunlight when I did this).
I couldn't get the scope to accurately record the top or bottom of the corrugated tube. would want to see those. will try again later to see if I can get a better pic....only had a couple minutes to get these.
I'm thinking, if it isn't leaking in the top or base of the corrugated tube, it might be leaking in the next layer down, the plate that the mast step sits on. need further investigation....
Pics below (by the way, I just had a colonoscopy this week, somehow these pics looked like those!) (also, in my draft here, it somehow shows the first to pics repeated, hope that doesn't show that way for you all) first pic shows a jumble of wire, those are the wiring for the antennae. They look huge, but those are only about !/4 inch in diameter. second pic a bit further down. third pic, at the base, the drain hole (in sunlight) is huge and not stopped up. fourth pic shows corrugated tube. I think that's near the base of the corrugated tube.
Dave in Charlotte Harbor.