2004 Raymarine C80 Display

Jun 4, 2004
Mainship Piliot 34 Punta Gorda
You can send in to Raymarine for repair. But you really should consider upgrandiing and replacing with a new Axiom unit.
Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33 Santa Barbara
Thank you for your input Dennis. Unfortunately Raymarine considers my unit at it's 'end-of-life' Decisions, decisions, decisions :-(

"This product has reached its end-of-life and is no longer repairable.
We invite you to return your product for evaluation. Upon receipt of your product we will work with you to determine a suitable upgrade path. Return freight will be charged if you decide to have your product sent back to you. "
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Anyone have experience with an intermittant display on their Raymarine c80 chartplotter?
Try checking used ones on E Bay. I picked up one a few years ago for a reasonable price. Raymarine does not repair C 80 vintage mfd’s any longer.
Jun 4, 2004
Mainship Piliot 34 Punta Gorda
If you want a used on try:
Max Marine Electronics
2185 N Powerline Road
Pompano Beach FL 33069
They buy and sell used electronics. I have sold a couple of old MFDs to them
Sep 22, 2021
Hunter 41AC 0 Portland, OR
Another possible source is FaceBook Marketplace and FaceBook "For Sale" groups near you. I sold the E80 that I removed from my boat via FB Marketplace to a couple near Seattle. There are a couple of C80 and E80 MFDs currently listed on FB Marketplace.

Also, there are quite a few C80 MFDs listed on various CraigsList sites around the country although none currently in the Santa Barbara-specific CraigsList. You might check the CraigsList sites for cities near you.
Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33 Santa Barbara
Another possible source is FaceBook Marketplace and FaceBook "For Sale" groups near you. I sold the E80 that I removed from my boat via FB Marketplace to a couple near Seattle. There are a couple of C80 and E80 MFDs currently listed on FB Marketplace.

Also, there are quite a few C80 MFDs listed on various CraigsList sites around the country although none currently in the Santa Barbara-specific CraigsList. You might check the CraigsList sites for cities near you.
Thank you. Beginning to wonder if it is time to just face facts and go newer (like Axiom 9) I'll check out facebook though.

Jan 4, 2013
Catalina 270 Rochester, NY
I had one, dump it and get a new display and move up to the twenty first century. I replaced it with a 9" Axiom plotter which will fit in the same mounting hole with the Adapter plate Raymarine sells.
Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33 Santa Barbara
Beginning to think this is the way to go. My boat is 19 years old, and i look back and i realize that I don't have any electronics at home that is that old...
Sep 22, 2021
Hunter 41AC 0 Portland, OR
There are a couple of used Axiom 9 MFDs on eBay right now where the current bid is under $500. I'm pretty sure that these are not Axiom+ or Pro units but it may be a good way to go if you want to spend less. I bought my Axiom+ 12 on eBay, it wasn't new but the owner decided to go a different route before installing it. I ended up saving several hundred dollars over the cost of a new unit. If you're not in a hurry, watching and waiting may pay off.
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Beginning to think this is the way to go. My boat is 19 years old, and i look back and i realize that I don't have any electronics at home that is that old...
Certainly will not debate that the Axiom is the superior chart plotter to have; however, by the time that you purchase the plotter, power cord, maps, mounting adaptor, & cabling to adapt other instruments, the cost is substantial. Add the time or cost to install the MFD and and interface older instruments; it becomes a considerable expense & time consuming project. ( I really hate installing Ray Marine equipment; always takes me forever to get it wired & integrated to older instruments. Their instructions leave much to be desired.) Conversely, you can buy a used C80 on EBay for $300 and swap it out in 15 minutes. Of course, there is no warranty on a used MFD and it is possible / probable that you will be dealing with some unrepairable malfunction again. I purchased a used one and have no regrets.....yet!
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Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
A lot to think about, indeed. Thank you for input
I also had a 2004 era C80, which had multiple problems over the past 6 years. I spent too much money trying to get it fixed at a place down in Florida: sent it away 2 or 3 times and it would work for a week or so before having problems again. I finally gave up and bought an Axiom 9. It works great. I only wish I hadn't tried to repair the old one.
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Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33 Santa Barbara
I also had a 2004 era C80, which had multiple problems over the past 6 years. I spent too much money trying to get it fixed at a place down in Florida: sent it away 2 or 3 times and it would work for a week or so before having problems again. I finally gave up and bought an Axiom 9. It works great. I only wish I hadn't tried to repair the old one.
Did you have radar? Curious if you could adapt the radar or had to buy a new?
Thank you for your info
Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
Sorry: no. I don't know much of anything about radar and Raymarine gear.

A little more detail about yanking the C80 and installing the Axiom 9, though. It was really easy (except for networking): I bought a pre-cut starboard panel to accommodate the smaller hole, and I hooked the new unit up to the power cord for the old one. So I haven't (yet) had to run any wiring.

The old unit was networked to autopilot, wind, external gps, etc. I haven't hooked up the networking for the new unit yet, mainly out of laziness, because the new Axiom 9 gives me 99% of what I need, and 95% of what I want. I've been using the GPS that comes built-in to the Axiom, and the only things networking would give me are:

1) autopilot able to follow a route (I think: I'm not 100% sure this will work with the old autopilot and the sea talk 1 to sea talk ng converter)
2) I would be able to display depth on the plotter. My depth-sounder is sort of hidden: I have to bend and peer under the plotter to see the display, so this would be handy.
3) Apparent wind displayed, for what it's worth.
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Jun 1, 2009
Hunter 49 toronto
Anyone have experience with an intermittant display on their Raymarine c80 chartplotter? I have the gps working, the CF card working (new used one), but have this intermittent situation with the display, as shown in the attached video.
Yes, know exactly what this is.
The C series , along with later E series had power supply issues.

You have options ….
First one is obvious . Upgrade to a new unit.

But, there is a second option
The C series was in a time in technology where boards were still serviceable. By that, I mean that everything now is 100% surface mount, and just “kiss it goodbye”
The c series still had a fair bit of “through hole technology”, which gives you a chance of repair.
On power supply issues of this nature, a bench tech will whip out a can of “freeze it”, and start freezing different suspect areas which will immediately localize the issue
Other possibility is that the LCD “zebra strip” is intermittent.
If you can find a guy who knows his way around a bench, you’ll know in 30 minutes if this is fixable. This is doable owing to its age. If this was an axiom with similar issues, get a shovel, and find a spot in your garden for it

good luck