Likely... the fridge power use will be typical for these small efficient units. But you have to keep in mind that the heat loss from though the insulation is proportional to the temperature difference between inside and outside the fridge. For example, if the fridge inside is 40F and the ambient is 60F, that is a delta of 20F. If the ambient goes up from 60 to 80F, you now have a delta of 40F (80 - 40). So going from 60F to 80F ambient resulted in TWICE the energy loss through the insulation and with the efficiency of the fridge to cool, your power consumption might be three times higher at 80F ambient compared to 60F. Fridge power use can vary considerably.
So you have to consider that the power used by the fridge will vary a lot depending on ambient and you are trying to power it with solar who's daily output also varies a lot. Add in battery capacity that varies...
I think in Doug's case sailing relatively cool coastal mostly sunny S. Cal, 80 watts of solar and that fridge will be mostly OK. The main thing that will likely happen is that you will have conditions of either higher power use (warmer ambient) or less solar where the solar cant keep up that cause you to use more of your battery reserve which might be no big deal. If you run out the battery reserve.. not so good and it works your battery harder.
My only data point I'm fairly sure of is that I have a fridge with maybe similar power use and a 160 watt solar panel and I think the 160 watt panel is considerably more than I "need". However, I dont mind this much panel (except that its a lot panel area on my Mac 26S) because it tends to be easier on the batteries. Based on a few years use now {including several week long S Cal trips)I think I could get by with somewhat less solar. How much less.. at 100 watts solar, I think I would have to watch things closer with some sort of battery charge monitor and it would work the batteries a little harder. 120 W might be more comfy. At 160W, I never worry.. power luxury and the conditions of higher temp and low sunlight required to cause a problem would not occur often (never had it even come close to happening yet). My data point also assumes no partial shading on the solar panel.
FYI, I did some measurements on my fridge/ solar setup and tried to be accurate and give details. This is of course all not really necessary but I somewhat did this for fun (retired EE). Its on a link here
26S Electric Fridge