1 month with a 9.2A - I'm impressed

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Jul 22, 2006
S2 9.2A Battleship Cove
I've always admired the lines of the S2 9.2A, since my trailer sailing days when I perused old copies of Sail Magazine, searching for "the next boat". So when we spotted "our" boat sitting in the boatyard, I knew exactly what I was looking at and was immediately drawn to it. The amount of work she needed (and still does) didn't phase me, considered a worthwhile investment - especially for what we paid initially.
Since then she has bombed thru some rough seas and held her own in some pretty tough winds, performing well despite her blown out sails. She tracks well and is very forgiving, despite the foolishness of starting off learning to sail her exclusively on a 150 genny. lol
I'm very satisfied with the functionality of her cockpit and decks as well as the comfort of her cabin. She is very comfortable for us, whether it's dining or lounging in the cockpit, cooking or bedding down for the night. Being pretty much box-stock, we have a clean slate, without alot of poorly executed "upgrades" to fix.
Since she sat in the yard for so long, there were alot of people interested in her, and when they see her on the water again, they comment about how much they admired the boat, how their offers were turned down. Hearing what they offered, I don't have the heart to admit how little we paid for her. She's the only 9.2 I've seen so far, and she stands out from the fleet of Catalinas, O'days and Hunters.
As we leave her on the mooring we both turn around to admire her one more time, as anyone should feel about their boat. That in itself makes the work she requires rewarding.
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
I've always admired the lines of the S2 9.2A, since my trailer sailing days when I perused old copies of Sail Magazine, searching for "the next boat". So when we spotted "our" boat sitting in the boatyard, I knew exactly what I was looking at and was immediately drawn to it. The amount of work she needed (and still does) didn't phase me, considered a worthwhile investment - especially for what we paid initially.
Since then she has bombed thru some rough seas and held her own in some pretty tough winds, performing well despite her blown out sails. She tracks well and is very forgiving, despite the foolishness of starting off learning to sail her exclusively on a 150 genny. lol
I'm very satisfied with the functionality of her cockpit and decks as well as the comfort of her cabin. She is very comfortable for us, whether it's dining or lounging in the cockpit, cooking or bedding down for the night. Being pretty much box-stock, we have a clean slate, without alot of poorly executed "upgrades" to fix.
Since she sat in the yard for so long, there were alot of people interested in her, and when they see her on the water again, they comment about how much they admired the boat, how their offers were turned down. Hearing what they offered, I don't have the heart to admit how little we paid for her. She's the only 9.2 I've seen so far, and she stands out from the fleet of Catalinas, O'days and Hunters.
As we leave her on the mooring we both turn around to admire her one more time, as anyone should feel about their boat. That in itself makes the work she requires rewarding.

i like the way you think of your boat and it makes me feel even stronger about the one i am refitting from stem to stearn...i hope mine is as kind to me when learning how to sail as yours is to you .......


Jul 22, 2006
S2 9.2A Battleship Cove
Woodster, is that your boat in your avatar? Looks pretty nice. Is there a larger pic in your profile? I'd like to see it.
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
Woodster, is that your boat in your avatar? Looks pretty nice. Is there a larger pic in your profile? I'd like to see it.
i have a lot of pics on file but have not posted any as it is in the not so good repair stage but if you like i will send you some to look at ...just send me you e mail addy and i will send you some....


ps i may post some if i can work the post pics thing ...you see i am one of the computer challenged and almost to thick to learn lol


Jun 10, 2004
S2 9.2A Winthrop, MA
Playing in 4 foot swells

Took my Wife, Niece and her Fiancee about on Triple Play Saturday. Once outside the mouth of Boston Harbor we were hitting 4-footers bow on, but unfortunately the wind died down a bit and we couldn't just bash through them. The ladies started to get queasy so we changed course, but at no time did anyone feel unsafe. I actually went to to bow to trim the 135, which helped, but not enough.

I have sailed my 9.2A with the rail in the water 25+ degrees over in 20 knots steady with gusts to 30 with the main unreefed an the 135 rolled up to about a 110. I have gone out to play in a small craft warning blasting through 3-4 foot swells. She is well built, safe and behaves predictably. My only complaint is that the engine mounts were poorly executed on my boat.
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