Taking the mast down 005 The Rolling Hitch is tied to the luff and the knot can be slip up or down very easy until tension is applied to the standing part of the line. I usually slide it up so that it's about 1.5' above the Gin Pole. I also tie this rope around the Gin pole about 2/3s of the way out beyond the mast.
The Jib Halyard needs to be connected to the top of the Gin Pole and the Boom Vang needs to be taken up so that it is applying the down tension to the bottom end of the Gin Pole.
With the hitch tied to the luff, I can wrap the line around the Gin Pole and try and pull the slack out to get the luff nice and tight. Then I take a round turn of the line around the Gin Pole and put two half hitches on the line. The round turn will keep the half hitches from jamming when you go to remove it. The next step is to take the excess line around the Vinyl luff and entrap it to the Gin Pole by using a couple of half hitches tied around the Gin Pole. All we're doing here is keeping the Vinyl luff secured close the the Gin Pole to prevent it from flopping around.
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