Taking the mast down 004 In this pic you can see the line going around the Vinyl luff and the two half hitches tied around the Gin Pole.  The round turn with the two half hitch are behind the Vinyl Luff in the pic and can't be seen.

If you want to raise/lower your mast with a roller furler all by yourself, this is a pretty nice way to do it because the furler will stay put all the way up or down and this is what you want.   Otherwise, if the furler gets loose and goes over the side, so goes your mast.

Taking the mast down 004 In this pic you can see the line going around the Vinyl luff and the two half hitches tied around the Gin Pole. The round turn with the two half hitch are behind the Vinyl Luff in the pic and can't be seen. If you want to raise/lower your mast with a roller furler all by yourself, this is a pretty nice way to do it because the furler will stay put all the way up or down and this is what you want. Otherwise, if the furler gets loose and goes over the side, so goes your mast.

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The Lineman's Rolling Hitch
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