DSC01158 The pivot bridle shown in the picture is made up of two ropes, a large stainless steel ring and a couple of snap hooks.  I have my pivot bridles pre-adjusted so that when they are connected and stretched out, the rings come even with the pivot point of the mast tabernacle.  The thin line connected to the ring in this bridle is one of my baby stays which is attached to the mast yoke.   The thicker rope is a bridle which is connected to the end of my Gin Pole.

Note* If you make up a set of pivot bridles, it is important that you adjust the ropes so that they are even.   This way, you can use them on either side of the boat.

DSC01158 The pivot bridle shown in the picture is made up of two ropes, a large stainless steel ring and a couple of snap hooks. I have my pivot bridles pre-adjusted so that when they are connected and stretched out, the rings come even with the pivot point of the mast tabernacle. The thin line connected to the ring in this bridle is one of my baby stays which is attached to the mast yoke. The thicker rope is a bridle which is connected to the end of my Gin Pole. Note* If you make up a set of pivot bridles, it is important that you adjust the ropes so that they are even. This way, you can use them on either side of the boat.

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Mast Raising/Lowering
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