Today it gets real:

Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
I went sailing in the driveway! Good to get a few things crossed off the list: Keel is as good as I care to get it and topped off with 2000E and VC17 and ready for final assembly minus the spacers that I'll shape shortly.

Mast went up for the first time in my ownership and we had a good look at running/standing rigging and or the lack therof. Plenty of little things to pick up and tweak-- but overall doable. No showstoppers for my float test late this month. Added bonus: the storm jib I picked up for very little is better than I thought-- 110 and 150 are in great shape, and both balanced by the fact that the main is worse than I anticipated, but you can't win 'em all. PO had purchased new turnbuckles and running rigging which I gratefully put to use. Looking forward to hardware shopping-- this is way more fun than sanding :)

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Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
First coats of awlgrip on the rebuilt hatch, I guessed on the color, but appears that I will be very happy with the "off white" as the bulk of the boat and the grey accents. Nice to see the before and after side by side.

While I was making the last adjustment to the bow eye and shield and the mast step-- now complete I decided to pull the bulkheads and spec out replacement hardware. To my surprise it looks like the PO was attempting to cook indoors. Sadly this was the mounting point for an interior light fixture. I'll have to decide if I waste the CPES epoxy on these boards this season or just put them back and get on with it. I'm have tempted to use them, prep them-- and then try my hand at re-veneering them at a later date.

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May 19, 2017
Catalina 22 Medford, Or
I'd paint the heck out of that with some spare paint and roll on! There was someone on here that bought new bulkheads direct from Catalina for (I think) a couple hundred a option.

I think some rich varnished trim and white flats would look pretty good. Maybe some prefab West Marine magazine holders/chart storage to set it off......

Sep 20, 2014
Rob Legg RL24 Chain O'Lakes
I went sailing in the driveway! ...
Its called a Yard Sail.

Main looks a bit baggy. Similar problem I have with my main, where the leach is tight, and the rest of the sail hangs. This makes it nearly impossible to induce twist in the main. I would suggest rigging up a Cunningham. Even though that is not what a cunningham is for, it will help take out some of that bagginess and allow for some twist. Also count on some mast pre-bend, which will also help.
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Jun 23, 2016
Catalina 22 Trailer
That hatch is looking pristine. That's about the next big thing on my list, stop that screeching.

I had a yard sail the other night too...

May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
First coats of awlgrip on the rebuilt hatch, I guessed on the color, but appears that I will be very happy with the "off white" as the bulk of the boat and the grey accents. Nice to see the before and after side by side.

While I was making the last adjustment to the bow eye and shield and the mast step-- now complete I decided to pull the bulkheads and spec out replacement hardware. To my surprise it looks like the PO was attempting to cook indoors. Sadly this was the mounting point for an interior light fixture. I'll have to decide if I waste the CPES epoxy on these boards this season or just put them back and get on with it. I'm have tempted to use them, prep them-- and then try my hand at re-veneering them at a later date.

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I'd veneer those bulkheads were it me, buy it in sheets, apply with contact cement...sand down the existing smooth first....
here's a supplier (not used them, so can't speak for their service & quality but seems like a small knowledgeable supplier)...
adhesive vinyl stuff will be tough to get right, will bubble up from the heat down below IMO, although a very inexpensive option....just my 2 cents from woodworking experience...
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Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
There are some pretty inexpensive packs of thin Mahogany veneers on Amazon. The shorter lengths are perfect for the short height of the C-22 bulkheads. I wish I had thought of that when I did mine, I have a few blemishes I could have covered up.
I wouldn't even bother w/ vacuum bagging, I would just do a thin layer of thickened epoxy adhesive and cover w plastic sheet, then lay cart batteries or something on it.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Its called a Yard Sail.
Brilliant. :)

I had a yard sail the other night too...
So since those Russians have got this down to even signals on the trailer etc.....
Other than the obvious problem with ensuring the road is clear enough for the mast…. my question is… Do road traffic rules apply or is it marine rules of the road ? Who goes first at a 4 way stop ?

I think the veneer is fake on these bulkheads form 70s boats.
The only wood on the C22 that was fake is the arborite tabletop.

There are some pretty inexpensive packs of thin Mahogany veneers on Amazon. The shorter lengths are perfect for the short height of the C-22 bulkheads. I wish I had thought of that when I did mine, I have a few blemishes I could have covered up.
In my case the bulkheads had water damage so copying them was the easiest option.
I suspect that if you priced out a 4x8 sheet of veneered marine plywood it would make the hassle + cost of applying new veener not so attractive.
That would likely depend on local availability of course.

That said, I had no problem getting the bullnose edging off the bulkheads intact. I believe @Gene Neill wasn't so lucky, and had to glue them back together.

Not to mention it allows you to cut them down:

Or make them bigger:

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Dec 5, 2011
Catalina Catalina 22 13632 Phenix City
I had my local lumber yard order a 4x8' sheet of 1/2" Mahogany plywood since I have all the wood working tools and my starboard side bulkhead was rotted out at the bottom. If I recall, I paid about $80 for it and have been able to replace my locker fronts, sb bulkhead and still have enough left over for the port side should I get motivated enough to pull it out and re do it. By the way, that is one beautiful New Model interior picture, Kudos to the owner!!
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
By the way, that is one beautiful New Model interior picture, Kudos to the owner!!
You mean the bottom photo ?
That is @watercolors II boat. I took his ideas and ran with them, for my own modifications (in progress in second photo). His galley design is what made me do a major remodel, instead of simply copying the bulkheads.
I kept the original bulkheads. I plan on making paper templates of them, , in case I ever need to make copies.
Check out my refit thread for a bunch more photos of @watercolors II interior mods.
Some of the best I've seen for a C22 IMO.
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
I've landed on re-veneer at stage the next-- won't happen this year, but as usual if I have a definitive path to take then it makes the work I have to do now that much more efficient-- AND while I have the bulkheads off getting a sand and quick coat of CPES might as well tackle the big ticket gel coat cracks. Always somewhat amazed by what I find even though at this point I am well aware of the laminate deficiencies and the less than stellar layup.

Better than new in short order with multiple tabs of biax from behind the weak seam and filling from the face. Next step is fairing a bit with either 407 or 410 and moving on. Pretty can come in the winter when I don't have anything else to do but paint the interior.

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Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Its called a Yard Sail.

Main looks a bit baggy. Similar problem I have with my main, where the leach is tight, and the rest of the sail hangs.
Completely missing in fact is any semblance of downhaul, outhaul, vang or cunningham-- it's just a blown out floppy mess! Made a staggering order for a new harken cunningham, will rig a temporary downhaul to see what I like, and ponied up for 57mm mainsheet Harken blocks-- now I have to recuperate. This should at least get me on the water, and I get to enjoy the trial and error while the checkbook cools down.
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
My least favorite task -- grinding fiberglass and injecting it into my skin, but we are glassed and sanded and have a coat of high density filler curing over joints. There is just no good way to slop epoxy in tight corners-- so it's covered but it's going to be a beotch to sand... details. Bulkheads should be ready to go back in this weekend in anticipation of getting the trailer inspected by State Patrol so it can be licensed-- followed closely by keel installation and hopefully a splash test in July.

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Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Victory! Lots of note taking and plenty of things that will need further attention , but for a windless brutally hot day on the river? Perfection:

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Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Splash day taught me a few things and promptly added to the "repair" list. Jonesing to put her back int the water Saturday for actual attempt at sailing so this weekend was epoxy filled: I was jealous all weekend of @CloudDiver and his reversible welding clamps. No such tools at my household so shims and every telescoping brush handle I could find were put to good use. Both my lower Gudgeon and outboard bracket were weak and clearly not up for any future abuse. While I was at it I filled the myriad of holes that left over from who knows what by the PO.

Anchor and rode arrive this week along with some fittings so I can tune the forestay correctly-- remounted the upgraded mast plate and shackle attachment and will just go with it.

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Jul 2, 2018
Catalina 22 Acton Lake, OH
For filling voids I recommend you mix enough silica into the epoxy to create a stiff, peanut butter consistency. Knifing it into and across the surface with care, and you can get a pretty fair surface with one coat. You definitely don't want paint between the clean metal and the epoxy.
Jul 2, 2018
Catalina 22 Acton Lake, OH
You should check out Maas epoxy for your next project. It doesn't blush... at all. West System blushes like crazy and it complicates everything.