Stiff throttle

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Jan 28, 2011
Pearson 31 MD
Boat: 1989 Pearson 31
Engine: Yanmar 2GM20F
Pedestal: Edson

Problem: Advancing the throttle from idle is very difficult. I can get full throttle/max RPM, but it is not easy, nor is it quick, which makes maneuvering in tight quarters more challenging. It’s hard to get a quick burst of throttle to kick the stern over. The throttle moves very easily from any throttle position back to idle.

Investigation: I disconnected the throttle control cable at the engine. Thus freed, the throttle control moves freely. Next, checked the speed control lever at the engine. It appears to have a very heavy spring. Had to push pretty hard to get it to advance to the max speed setting, then it sprang back on its own with no help from me.

Forum searches turn up lots of similar issues. I suspect that my problem is actually the result of the PO’s fix for a throttle creep problem. It seems like I will have to either settle for throttle creep and easier throttle manipulation (bungee cord seems to be the fix there) or my current situation with no creep, but difficult throttle movement.

Questions: Has anyone encountered this problem and successfully resolved it? It seems to be a bad combination of a short throttle lever arm at the pedestal and a strong spring at the speed control lever at the engine. I’m tempted to try to counter the speed control lever spring with another spring at the engine oriented in the opposite direction, but am concerned that this could introduce problems of its own. Any possibility for increasing the leverage at either end or reducing spring strength? Or do I just use a bungee like everyone else?
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
that extra spring that is on there is part of your problem....the throttle lever on my same engine works just fine with out any extra spring.....there is a clamp for tightening the throttle cable to stop the drift in the cable...cant remember who has it now ....also on the Edison throttle leaver... there is a friction setting bolt in the pedestal that will also do the same job....just remove the extra spring and use the clamp or the pedestal bolt and you should be fine....hope this helps.....

PS i found it at Jamestown distributes




Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
I suggest replacing the throttle cables.... they wear out after 10 years or so...
Jan 28, 2011
Pearson 31 MD
Thanks for the reply. The spring that I'm talking about is the regulator spring, I think. From what I remember, it's internal. Not sure if I can access it without removing the fuel pump. I'm going to the boat today, so I'll look at it a bit harder. The manual shows the regulator as being separate from the pump itself, but from what I remember, there weren't any observable springs or linkages.
Jan 28, 2011
Pearson 31 MD
I suggest replacing the throttle cables.... they wear out after 10 years or so...
Thanks, Joe. Ultimately, this may be part of the final solution. Although the cable moves smoothly when not connected to the speed control lever, there may be enough friction to be causing my problem. That, or the clamp/brake inside the pedestal that may be over-adjusted.
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
oops i mis read your post about the spring ...i thought you had an extra spring externally that had been added to the leaver...the spring inside should be left alone....sorry for the misinterpetation.....


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