I have a some rental homes, in the midwest, and every winter, if a house was empty, and the heat was off, the plastic pipes would freeze and bust. Sometimes even if the house had renters in it, the pipes would freeze and bust, i started fitting Pex a couple of wintes ago, have not had one problem, the pipes still freeze, they just dont break. I have the crimping tools, using crimp fittings are a lot cheaper than push fittings, but, in awkward spaces, its almost impossible to get the space needed to put on crimps, so that is where you have to use push fittings. To give an example of price difference, a crimp T for half inch pipe, is about a dollar, a push fit T for the same pipe, is about 12 dollars. The pipe is colour coded, with some of it (the white usually) being designated as for potable water.
I have done plumbing, with copper pipe, steel pipe, plastic pipe of various types, but i have never found anything that can be put together as quickly as pex pipe, and that stands up to the extremes of tempratures as well as pex pipe. I have only had one leakage since using it, and that was where a brass fitting joining the pex to the steel pipe, froze and bust.