1) You need 2 people to raise it, or need to rig something with blocks to allow you to feed it from the base of genoa while the spin-halyard is pulled. Feeding it generally is much easier with 2 hands. It would be much more difficult if one needs to be on the spin-halyard.Why do you consider it a PITA?
2) It takes an extra 5 minutes to take off and 10 minutes to put on. (rolling and stowing not included). Usually not a big issue but it's a bit tedious -- even more so when you've had too much sun and you're dripping with a mix of sweat and sunblock.
If you can get a new sail for $1400 I'd recommend it if you have the budget for it. Your current sail is probably worn out and blown out, and since a motivation for doing this is to gain performance - a new sail will give you the most bang for the buck.