Chesapeake Rendezvous- Summer 2025

Aug 7, 2015
Oday 34 previous, O’Day 40 current Annapolis
Hello Mates- I’ve started a thread on FB in the O’Day owners’ feed about seeing if there is interest in holding a meet up this summer. I’ve presented the gist of an idea for a rendezvous to be held in Whitehall Creek, just north of Annaspolis. Whitehall Creek is a scenic, protected waterway about 3km from Annap just south of the Bay Bridge, more room for a raft up than boats I suspect we can muster. I’m thinking a June timeframe when there could still be a good chance for wind. So far seems like we’ve got about 6 boats interested but it’s early yet. If you are interested please see my post on FB or PM me. Could be a lot of fun.

Lou K
Aug 7, 2015
Oday 34 previous, O’Day 40 current Annapolis
Recommend you checkout/ staytuned the O’Day Owners facebook page for more info as available
Aug 7, 2015
Oday 34 previous, O’Day 40 current Annapolis
I don’t think we’d be adverse to having smaller boats, it was just a convenient forum for me to raise the idea.