You're full of good ones.
If you think running your bilge blower while fueling is showing off.
If you think running your bilge blower while fueling is showing off.
Truth is, I've often thought about mounting a camera to the front of the boat so I can see the past the sails when healed over.You might be a motorhome mariner if you “ jump into the cockpit and ask, Hey where are the backup cameras? How you gone back this sucker up without backup cameras?”
Dng! You're better at this than I am !You might be a motorhome mariner if you buy twice as much rode as the depth you'll be anchoring in, just in case.
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That is very specific. Personal experience, or borrowed?If you hear over the radio, “skipper you are in a Whale zone!” and yell to the crew, “Hey guys all on deck, there be whales here!”
Then 3 weeks later the Canadian fisheries commission sends you a $1,000 fine. WTF?
You might be a motorhome mariner.
I had a friend (at that time) who thought he was a sailor. He had a Compac 16. He was out in the Gulf south of Mobile Bay, saw 6 on a chart, thought he was in six feet of water, dropped an anchor, and took a nap. A fishing boat woke him up drifting, on his way to Cuba. He also thought he would go fastest with the boat level, no matter what. His name was Pitts. I called him, among other appropriate sobriquets, Pinching Pits.Dng! You're better at this than I am !
That depends on if I am racing or not.You might be one if you pass other boats about as far away as you pass cars on the highway.
This is mostly aimed at those nasty stinkpotters -- but exception granted.That depends on if I am racing or not.
We all figure that if you do not contact, it is room enough and reaching out an arm does not count as "contact"This is mostly aimed at those nasty stinkpotters -- but exception granted.
If you are up here in the PNW you’ll hear that on the VHF several times a day. And it’s not like the no go zones aren’t clearly charted.That is very specific. Personal experience, or borrowed?
or in the the galley.