Let me preface my response with saying that I have absolutely no experience with the system in question. But, I do know networking very well. I would take WiFi over a wired connection any day, for this application. We are really not talking about a huge bandwidth requirement so, even under terrible conditions, for that range, WiFi is more than capable. Even older standards are well up to the task. A wireless connection is one fewer point of failure.
A person could argue that it is just a different point of failure, that isn't entirely true. Both methods require hardware at each end with similar complexity and similar vulnerabilities. The difference with wireless is that there is no transmission medium that is also susceptible to failure. That is, there is no data cable that can fail.
As was pointed out, you still need to power the unit, so the reduction of vulnerabilities and complexity is slight. But, if I had the choice, I would take the wireless connection.