Here is an in depth discussion of your question. It includes Henk Meuzelaar's description of modifications to his Hunter 43 which he sailed to the South Pacific, and then around it for 10 years.
Ocean crossing
My understanding is that the Hunter Legend 35.5 was designed as a high performance coastal cruiser. If I were choosing a boat around that length to sail across the Pacific Ocean, I would pick a boat with a clearly "blue water" design. Roger Marshall's "Choosing a Cruising Sailboat" is the best book on this topic.
But you are asking a different question - what are recommendations if I am sailing my Legend 35.5 across the Pacific. I would start with Henk's list of his modifications to his boat at the link above, and read Marshall's book. Your boat will probably perform very well up to gale conditions. The key question is how will you handle it if you are caught in a powerful storm with huge waves? How will your boat perform if a breaking wave inverts it in a storm? By design, an Island Packet 35 would recover much more quickly than the H35.5 if inverted. How do you assess this risk? You probably would not face such a storm on a cruise to the Philippines. But what is your contingency plan with your boat if it does happen as it has to others?