Another Legend 40.5 holding tank replacement 3.26.24

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Thanks to Peggie and others. I am following closely on all the advise since I am probably soon to follow on the unpleasant work. I have first to determine if the holding tank on my ‘95 40.5 has been replaced or is original. Looking down on what i can see under the nav station seat I can see some white material but nothing clearly aluminum. How do I make the assessment? Secondly, what are the initial steps to access? Thanks, Eric
Take a look at this (from the HOW file on the 40.5) : Holding Tank Replacement 40.5
May 19, 2013
hunter 34 Pasadena, MD
Peggie - I’m still trying to learn to use this site. If that question is for me it is because when I got the boat it had been sitting for 5 years unattended in the water with a full holding tank and a very foul bilge. Amazing it had not sunk but a credit to the lack of water ingress. The air was hard to breath. I have cleaned it all out, bilge, holding tank and all but do not know if it leaks. I would like to know how to check. Also don’t know if the tank is plastic out aluminum or how to find out. Eric
Oct 17, 2020
Hunter 40.5 Satellite Beach
Thinking about taking on this project. Prior owner removed holding tank and aft head all together and replace with a composting toilet in the forward head. Does somebody have a ball park estimate on the cost of a new holding tank?
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
Cost will depend on quality of tank and the size. Ronco Plastics is the best choice...they make TOP quality thick walled (50% thicker than most OEM and "off the shelf" tanks) for a very reasonable price and have 400+ shapes and sizes in their catalog, plus they install fittings in the sizes and locations specified by the customer when they make the tank.
Ronco Plastics Water and Waste Holding Tanks catalog
Ronco Plastics marine Tank drawings

Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
Thinking about taking on this project. Prior owner removed holding tank and aft head all together and replace with a composting toilet in the forward head. Does somebody have a ball park estimate on the cost of a new holding tank?
As I recall, Triple M Plastics made replacement holding tanks for a few 40.5 owners here and has the template already so design cost should be moot. I’m sure they could quote you a price for an exact fit.
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Apr 10, 2022
Hunter 40.5 Stockholm
To remove the cabin sole you need to unscrew the screws. Remove the sections over the bilge first, and you should be able to wiggle it out.
On my boat there is also a small section near the rubbish bin that can be removed. It gives access to the tank sender and should reveal what material you have in the tank.

If you remove the tank, note that it's not possible to empty the old tank completely, and it needs to be tilted towards the openings, so be prepared for spillage. Try to cover the tank fittings, but I suggest a wet vac shop to catch anything that spills out, because whatever comes out goes through a weep hole into the stringers, before it eventually reaches the bilge. It's a lot of inaccessible space under the stringers (which I hate) and it's hard to clean, so emptying the holding tank in there doesn't really help.

I had to remove the board under the chart table to get access to the hoses. I also retired the forward head, since the hose was rotten and I couldn't really see any way of replacing it without tearing out everything in the boat.I had to winch it out. No smell after that, so absolutely worth it.

The tank itself was corroded but had no leaks. But I replaced it anyway. I had a stainless tank built by a company specialised in stainless construction. I cleaned out the old tank and brought it with me, and they made a new -minus the fitting for the forward head. I might remove the forward head completely and make the (smallish) cabin bigger instead, but it's a cupboard for now.
Jan 7, 2022
Hunter 40.5 Maryland Marina
Same incorrect information as before. Does anyone read the thread? There is no "drop in" replacement tank from Ronco. Triple M does make a custom tank but as per my post can't seem to follow directions or their own specifications. They absolutely hate making them! They are not inexpensive! If you want a price call for a quote as they rapidly change. It is relatively easy to pull a new waste line for the forward head. It works fine despite the long line. If you want to put in a human kitty litter box in the forward head remember that it has to be vented (cutting a hole in the deck) and needs a power supply for the fan.
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