Reving Up My Blog. Sail-Delmarva

Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
I began blogging about sailing about 15 years ago. I'd been sailing for 20 years already, but I'd just started cruising with my family and I had a new-to-me boat that needed tweaking.

A few years later I started writing for Practical Sailor, Good Old Boat, and a few others, but mostly the first two. By last count I've had nearly 600 articles published, ranging from product testing, to DIY, to how to sail better. My blogging slowed down, in part because I was busy, but also because the publishers didn't wanting me posting images and text that might eventually end up in articles. It was a fine line.

After all of those articles I'm a little burned out, or more accurately, I feel like I've researched an written about most of the things that interested me. My the pot of new ideas is nearly empty. Good Old Boat closed this spring. Practical Sailor has moved to an all-digital format and lightened up on product testing. It may not seem like it, but product testing articles are among the hardest and most expensive to produce. They take endless time and require the purchase of materials. DIY is easier and talking about sailing is nothing by comparison, even with the research time. (I'm still testing bottom paints.)

I'm still writing for Practical Sailor, although a bit less. I need a pick-me-up. Something to do that feels worthwhile.

So I've begun revamping my blog. It contains about 675 posts on all sorts of topics. I've started at the beginning, poking through them one at a time, revising where anything important has changed. New products or opinions that have changed with experience. Inserting bits and pieces from published articles in some cases.

It's free. There's no fire wall. Though I hope to post considerable new stuff, I'm also hoping you will go back to the beginning and have a fresh look at the original stuff as well. There is a lot there. Most of it is categorized (see the side bar) and there is a key word search.

Cheers! [ I can see that I'm going to buried with revisions for weeks!]

Sail Delmarva
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Cheers! [ I can see that I'm going to buried with revisions for weeks!]
Being optimistic? ;)

I have always found your articles valuable and informative in your writing for GOB and PS. I look forward to reading your revisions. Maintaining a blog is not as easy as many may think. Your efforts will be appreciated.

The recent hires at PS seem to be taking the publication in a much different direction than it has followed for decades. It is unlikely that I will renew my subscription when it expires later this year. The industry and its consumers benefited from a fair and critical analysis of their products. It was telling that an early video by a new hire, offered an unsupported and ultimately inaccurate assessment of the Key Bridge disaster and then read Amazon ads for fuel additives. This took PS to a new low and one I won't support. If this is the direction PS is going, then curtailing your relationship with the publication is warranted.

There is a market for product reviews and testings that doesn't amount to the regurgitation of marketing materials with superficial criticism of alleged "flaws." I'd subscribe to it in a NY minute if one appeared, since PS seems to have chosen a different path.

Drew, I wish you the best as you work towards reviving your blog, I look forward to reading it and relying on your advice and insights.

Fair Winds, Friend.

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Wonderful! I have always learned from your tests and reviews and look forward to paging through your blog.